In publica commoda

Antrag Report unter Mindestrücklauf

Application for generation of an evaluation report

To protect students’ anonymity, the questionnaire asks them to tick a box to give or refuse their consent to the release of a report if the minimum response rate is not reached. The questionnaire explains that the following details will no longer be disclosed in the report to teaching staff: type of degree, subject semester and gender.
The report is only released to the teacher if all of the students give their consent. Not ticking this box is deemed to be refusal.
I informally request a check whether all students who participated in the evaluation have agreed to the release of a report even if the minimum response rate is not reached.
Please send me the report for the following class:

Title of course *
Semester *
Fakulty *
First name *
Surname *
Email *

By submitting this form, you confirm that you have read and accept our Privacy Policy.

* Mandatory field

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Student and Academic Services
Quality Management

Team course evaluation
Wilhelmsplatz 2
D-37073 Göttingen

Anke Klingebiel
Tel.: +49 (0)551/39-29915


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