Conference '''Bildung' for sustainable development''
23.-24. November 2018, University of Göttingen
With a discussion between Minister of Education Tonne and didactician Hemmer (KU Eichstätt), moderated by Ulrike Bosse (NDR) on the topic "Perspektiven: Was sollen unsere Kinder lernen?" (Perspectives: What should our children learn?) the two-day conference ended on Saturday.
The discussion will be broadcast on Monday, 26.11.2018 by the radio station NDRinfo in the programme "Das Forum". The programme can be listened to online under the following link.
Photos, videos and presentations will be available online in the next few days. Updates are available via our social media channels or under the hashtag #nhkgoe.
We thank the many participants for wonderful conversations, contributions and inspirations. And we are looking forward to the next conference of the series in November 2019.
Conference Documentation
After the conference is before the conference.
In a few weeks we will be posting videos here on our site documenting some of the conference presentations.
Pictures of the conference have been published in our picture gallery.
Updates, comments and hints can still be found on our Twitter account, on the Facebook page of the sustainability conference or on the hashtag #nhkgoe.
Conference Topic
The concept of sustainable development is now widely recognised in politics, society and science. The declared aim is that people living today can satisfy their needs without risking that future generations will no longer be able to do so. It is all about ecological sustainability, social justice, economic sustainability and citizens' participation in shaping social and political processes. 'Bildung' plays a key role in this. For this reason, the foundation stone of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) was laid at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in the Agenda 21. This was followed by international initiatives such as the UN Decade for ESD (2005-2014) and the World ESD Action Programme.
The conference deals with the concept of sustainability, prepares objectives and approaches of education for sustainable development and provides a forum for exchanging views on the opportunities and challenges of education for sustainable development. Among other things, the following questions will be examined: How should education deal with the conflicting goals of the various dimensions of sustainable development? How can we provide an interdisciplinary and holistic view of problems and approaches for solutions? How do we get from knowledge to action? Central suggestions come from the partner universities of the U4 network (Uppsala, Gent, Groningen). The conference focus is on digitisation, early childhood education, teacher training and the role of sustainability at universities.
Conference languages are German and English. All plenary sessions will be interpreted simultaneously.