Political Science (B.A.)
The study of political science offers insights into basic questions, methods and fields of application relating to this subject. Politics is understood as the attempt to solve or at least mitigate various social problems through collectively binding decision-making, which is why politics is sometimes also described as “the art of the possible”. Political science investigates the course and the results of political processes, their general institutional conditions and the participating actors.
- Programme:
- Political Science
- Degree:
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
- Options:
- Full-time studies or Part-time studies
- Standard period of study:
- 6 semesters
- Start:
- Only the winter semester
- Language of the programme:
- German
- Admission:
- restricted admission (application to the University)
- Orientation events:
- Orientation events are offered
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Political science deals in a methodical way with a great variety of subject areas. It asks such questions as: Which actors pursue which objectives, and how do they try to achieve them? What is the structure of the institutions in which the actors need to come to terms with each other? Who benefits from the structure of these institutions? How are compromises reached and who influences decision-making processes behind the scene? How do politicians try to influence public opinion by their actions?
In the six-semester Bachelor’s degree programme you will gain the fundamental knowledge and skills required in political science work. You will be familiarised with research methods, theories and findings, and in the course of your studies, you will be taught to apply these and examine them critically as well. You will extend the knowledge acquired from lectures about various areas of political science in accompanying seminars. There are also various additional courses on scientific work and a wide range of options in the area of professionalisation.
To help you with entering this programme of study successfully, in addition to the student advisory service, the student mentoring team is available to advise and assist first-semester students of Bachelor’s degree programme in political science.
The mono-subject B.A. degree programme in political science offers the most comprehensive political science study programme. You will acquire sound knowledge in all classic sectors of political science and be given the opportunity to extend that knowledge in the areas of your personal preferences. In the German-language mono Bachelor’s degree programme, you will also acquire the necessary skills for independent scientific work of your own. You will be required to gather extensive knowledge about fundamental terms and concepts, historical contexts, methods and theories of political science and apply these in practice.
A political science internship, a semester abroad or some form of political commitment are integral parts of this degree programme. If you are thinking in terms of acquiring a Master’s degree in political science following the completion of your Bachelor’s degree, this degree programme is the ideal starting point, since it will qualify you for a wide range of Master’s degree programmes.
Political theory and history of ideas, comparative political science and political economy, didactics of politics, international relations, the political system of the Federal Republic of Germany. The university’s Democracy Research Institute is also involved in the teaching programme.
As a graduate in political science you may find job opportunities in various fields, such as politics, administration and work with associations; non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and intercultural transfer, consultancies, market and opinion research; in the media, in public relations, political education and adult education.
Related and consecutive/graduate programmes
Consecutive/graduate programmes
In addition to the professional studies in political science, study of a second subject is required as an extracurricular area of competence. Here, students can select one of the following areas of competence: education and migration, Chinese studies, gender studies, interdisciplinary Indian studies, international law and constitutional law, culture and religion, recent and modern history, philosophy and history of law/philosophy of law, technical innovation and the environment, society and living space, economics and international economics.
The area of professionalization consists of the optional subject areas (practice-oriented or scientific profile), and the key competencies.
- Structure (PDF; in German)
- Exemplary study plans (PDF; in German) PStO2017
- Example timetable for the first semester (PDF; in German)
- Electives
Regulations and module directory
- Start:
- Winter semester only
- 1st subject semester:
- restricted admission (application to the University)
- 2nd to 6th subject semester:
- open admission (enrolment without previous application)
Academic Advising
Annegret Schallmann
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3
37073 Göttingen
Phone: +49 551 39 27159
Fax: +49 551 39 26542