Publications Fernanda Carneiro-Otto, M.Sc.


  • Stremmel,Gesa, Ossama Elshiewy, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Fernanda Carneiro-Otto (2022). Vegan labeling for what is already vegan: Product perceptions and consumption intentions. Appetite, 175, 1-12.

  • Conference Proceedings

    • Carneiro-Otto, Fernanda, Steffen Jahn, Jessica Aschemann-Witze & Yasemin Boztuğ (2024): Rescue us all! The effect of the rescue-based claim for familiar and unfamiliar food ingredients, Proceedings of the 53nd European Marketing Academy Conference, 1-10.

    • 2023
    • Carneiro-Otto, Fernanda, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2023): Choosing vegan feels good, doesn’t it? Effects of gender-congruency cues on vegan-labeled products, Proceedings of the 52nd European Marketing Academy Conference, Odense, Denmark.