
Abstracts will be accepted from March 1 until July 15, 2024 (final extension). All abstracts must be prepared using the MSWord template . The abstract template is similar for oral and poster presentations. The length of the abstract should not exceed two A4 pages. Please send your contribution as attachment to:


Please indicate your preference as oral or poster presentation and select the appropriate session (S 01-S 10) of your contribution

  • (S 01) Quartz in different geological environments (magmatic, hydrothermal, sedimentary, etc.)
  • (S 02) Quartz mineralogy and analytics (trace elements, cathodoluminescence)
  • (S 03) Stable isotope analysis of quartz (Si, O isotopes, triple O isotopes)
  • (S 04) Industrial quartz and quartzite
  • (S 05) Quartz glass and other glass products
  • (S 06) Archaeometric studies of glass
  • (S 07) Chert and the analysis of organics
  • (S 08) Provenance of detrital quartz
  • (S 09) Quartz deformation mechanisms and related microstructures
  • (S 10) Experiments on quartz