
    Organizing committee
  • Dorit Heckeroth
  • Alfons van den Kerkhof
  • Ines Ringel
  • Oskar Schramm
  • Graciela Sosa
  • Kirsten Techmer
  • Jens Walter, MASA Institute GmbH
  • Bettina Wiegand

    Scientific committee
  • Prof. Dr. Jens Götze, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
  • Dr. Alfons van den Kerkhof, GZG Göttingen
  • Dr. Andreas Kronz
  • Dr. Bernd Leiss, GZG Göttingen
  • Prof. Dr. Axel B. Müller, NHM University of Oslo
  • Dr. Burkhard Schmidt, GZG Göttingen
  • Dr. Graciela Sosa, GZG Göttingen
  • Prof. Dr. Roland Stalder, University of Innsbruck
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Tatzel, GZG Göttingen
  • Dr. Kirsten Techmer, GZG Göttingen
  • Dr. Jens Walter, MASA Institute GmbH

Meeting location
Geoscience Center (GZG) University of Göttingen, Goldschmidtstr. 3, 37 077 Göttingen.
Computer and internet connection are available in the conference room.