Dr. Burcu Ucaray-Mangitli
Curriculum Vitae
Burcu Ucaray-Mangitli has studied international relations and political science at Bilkent University and the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. In 2016, she completed her Ph.D. thesis titled “A Bottom-Up Approach to International Cooperation: Econocrats’ Role in Compliance with IMF Agreements”. Her thesis, supervised by Prof. Robert Pahre, analzyed the influence of domestic economy bureaucrats and their relationship with IMF officials on the design and implementation of international borrowing programs. In 2018, Burcu Ucaray-Mangitli completed a post-doctoral fellowship, funded by the Swedish Institute, at Stockholm University. Her post-doctoral research focuses on implementation of the gender equality norm in international organizations. She joined to the Göttingen University as a post-doctoral researcher in 2018.
Research Interests
Burcu Ucaray-Mangitli’s research interests center on the preferences, interests, and influence of individual actors, especially bureaucrats, on international cooperation. International financial institutions, norm adoption, policy implementation, and gender equality in international organizations are some of the research topics that comprise her long-term research agenda.
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