Welcome to the Faculty of Chemistry
The Göttingen Faculty of Chemistry stands for research strength and attractive, research-oriented study programmes. It is characterised by close networking with neighbouring faculties and research institutes on the Göttingen campus.
Top-class research
The faculty is characterized by top-class research in three key areas as well as the consistent promotion of young scientists. Find out more here:
Research -
Quality in studies and teaching
Quality management for studies and teaching plays a key role in system accreditation. Find out more about the interaction between central and decentralized QM concepts, our teaching mission statement and numerous improvement measures implemented to date.
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Get to know us!
Are you interested in studying chemistry in Göttingen? Then you are welcome to get a personal impression of what we offer, e.g. in a consultation at our Faculty. You can make an appointment using the contact details below. Or take advantage of one of our other offers to get to know us.
News from the faculty
Dissertation Award for Molecular Dynamics Studies
Dr. Arman Nejad and Dr. Jan Reitzner have been honored with the Dissertation Award from the University Association Göttingen e.V. for their doctoral theses at the University of Göttingen.
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Gedenkfeier Prof. Sheldrick
Die Fakultät trauert um Prof. em. Georg M. Sheldrick, PhD. Am Freitag, 4. April 2025, wird in einer öffentlichen Gedenkfeier dem Verstorbenen gedacht. Beginn ist um 14:00 Uhr im Hörsaal MN 27. Interessierte sind herzlich willkommen. In großer Dankbarkeit und Bewunderung blicken wir hier zurück auf sein Wirken.
Nachruf der Fakultät für Chemie
Nachruf des Instituts für Anorganische Chemie -
Hochschulperle: Stifterverband zeichnet Praktikum der Fachdidaktik Chemie aus
Der Stifterverband hat das Schulversuchspraktikum für angehende Chemielehrkräfte an der Universität Göttingen mit der Hochschulperle des Monats September ausgezeichnet. In diesem von der Fachdidaktik Chemie veranstalteten Angebot lernen und üben Master-Studierende des Lehramts Chemie, wie sie chemisches Fachwissen experimentell sicher, effektstark und lernwirksam im Schulunterricht präsentieren können.
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New Approaches to Synthesize Compounds for Pharmaceutical Research
Junior Professor Johannes Walker, University of Göttingen, has been awarded an Exploration Grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation. Walker teaches and carries out research at the Institute for Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. The award of 180,000 euros will enable Walker and his team to develop new approaches to synthesizing new compounds.
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Neuer Sonderforschungsbereich startet zum 1.4.2024
DFG bewilligt einen Neuantrag und einen Verlängerungsantrag von Universität und UMG Erfolg für den Göttingen Campus bei der Bewilligung von Sonderforschungsbereichen: Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) fördert künftig einen neuen SFB an der Universität Göttingen in der Chemie.
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Older News - archive
A listing of older press releases / news about our faculty can be found by clicking on "more".
Application Deadline for Master's Program in Chemistry
January 15, 2025
Applications for the summer semester 2025 will be accepted until January 15th, 2025. Information about the application process can be found here..
Göttingen Alumni Day 2024
November 15 - 16, 2024
Once a year, we organize a homecoming event together with the University of Göttingen for all alumni: the Göttingen Alumni Day. It’s a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with old friends in Göttingen and to make new acquaintances! Together with many faculties, we put together an engaging and diverse program. You can find information about the full program and registration here.
Information portals
Virtual lab assistant
The virtual lab assistant provides a description of most lab equipment, safety instructions for working in the lab, and checklists for everyday lab work.
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Virtual Lab
The Virtual Lab is an internet platform to support the teaching of chemistry. The common working techniques in the laboratory are explained and illustrated in the form of short films.
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Study orientation
We are pleased to welcome you to the Virtual Study Orientation of the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Göttingen. (Just in german)