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Gender Studies (M.A.)


The interdisciplinary Master's programme in Gender Studies combines perspectives and methods from different disciplines and teaches theory-based, empirically founded and application-oriented research. It enables students to critically analyse the complex category of gender in society, culture and science, whereby different focal points are possible.

Gender Studies
Master of Arts
Full-time studies or Part-time studies
Standard period of studies:
4 semesters, up to 7 semesters in part-time studies
Start of studies:
winter and summer semester
Language of the programme:
Orientation events:
Orientation events are offered

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Gender Studies

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The aim of the interdisciplinary Master's programme "Gender Studies" is to impart in-depth subject-specific knowledge and the ability to overview the central contexts of the subject and to apply basic theories and methods. Gender studies requires a cross-disciplinary approach that links the perspectives and methods of many disciplines and teaches theory-based, empirically founded as well as application-oriented research.

The teaching of sound knowledge of gender studies as well as its theories and methods aims to be able to analyse the complexity of the category of gender and thereby understand the social and cultural construction of gender in history and the present. Focal points can be set in the following areas: "Gender, Body and Sexuality", "Gender and Social Orders", "Gender, Economy and Material Culture", "Gender in Political Space" and "Gender, Media Representation and Symbolic Orders. In addition to the specific subject-specific knowledge, the Master's programme also imparts general competences for taking up doctoral studies as well as a successful career entry.

The knowledge and competences acquired in the Master's programme "Gender Studies" leading to the degree "Master of Arts" (M.A.) qualify students to work as gender experts in academia and various public and private institutions:

  • universities, universities of applied sciences and research institutions
  • cultural and educational institutions
  • institutions of public relations and marketing
  • publication and media companies
  • in the fields of gender mainstreaming, and diversity management
  • Non-governmental organisations and other political institutions
  • Associations and political parties
  • Public health and sports institutions
  • Gender centres and equality institutions
In addition, the Master's programme imparts competences beyond the subject-specific knowledge for taking up a doctoral programme.

Consecutive/graduate programmes

Consecutive programmes


This degree programme can be studied in 2 different profiles.

  • Singe Honours MA totalling 78 credits (Mono-master)
  • Joint Honours MA totalling 42 credits in combination with one module package (minor) totalling 36 credits

You apply for one study profile.

To obtain a master’s degree, students must complete 120 credits which, depending on the chosen profile, are distributed as follows:

Single Honours MA (mono-master):

  • Mayor studies in Gender Studies: 78 C
  • Key competencies: 12 C
  • master’s thesis: 30 C

Joint Honours MA (combined master):

  • Mayor studies in Gender Studies: 42 C
  • External module package: 36 C
  • Key competencies: 12 C
  • Master’s thesis: 30 C

The combined master can only be studied part-time, if the module package(s) is also suitable for part-time studies.

Regulations and module directory


Application deadlines

Please apply

  • April 4 - May 15 for the winter semester
  • October 6 - November 15 for the summer semester
  • Special application deadlines can be found on our homepage.
You can start this degree programme in the winter or summer semester.

Lottery procedure
In addition, free places in the Master's programmes are allocated by lottery:

  • from April 1st to 5th for the for the beginning of the summer semester
  • from October 1st to 5th for the for the beginning of the winter semester

Previous studies:

  • B.A.-degree in Gender Studies or a related subject
  • At least 150 ECTS at the time of application
  • Eligibility:
    • Proof of achievements in Gender Studies of at least 50 C
    • Change expected from the application round for winter semester 2025/26: Proof of achievements in gender studies of at least 12 C as well as 6 C in social science methods and 30 C in the subjects of social sciences including sports sciences or in the subjects of cultural studies and humanities

Language requirements:

  • If your mother tongue is not German , you must prove sufficient knowledge of the German language at DSH-2 level .



Academic Advising

Annegret Schallmann

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3
37073 Göttingen

Tel. +49 551 39 27159
Fax. +49 551 39 26542