Teacher for particular tasks
- Articles:
- "Needing to Read like Needing to Eat: Making the Power of Literary Reading Available to Students of Literature." (Review of: Christina Vischer
Bruns, Why Literature? The Value of Literary Reading and What it Means for Teaching. New York: Continuum 2011.) In: JLTonline, 12.04.2013. Link: JLTonline
- SoSe 2021
- Picture Narratives in the EFL Classroom
- Introduction to English Language Teaching B
- Introduction to Cultural Learning A
- Introduction to Cultural Learning B
- Introduction to Cultural Learning C
Begleitseminar zum im Ausland abgeleisteten Forschungspraktikum
- WiSe 2020/21
- Begleitseminar zum im Ausland abgeleisteten Forschungspraktikum
- Introduction to English Language Teaching B
- Picture Narratives in the EFL Classroom
- Creative Writing
- Introduction to Cultural Learning A
- Introduction to Cultural Learning B
- SoSe 2020:
- Begleitseminar zum (im Ausland absolvierten) Forschungspraktikum (4-wöchig), A
- Begleitseminar zum (im Ausland absolvierten) Forschungspraktikum (4-wöchig), B
- Seminar: Introduction to English Language Teaching, B
- Übung: Introduction to Cultural Learning, A
- Übung: Introduction to Cultural Learning, B
- SoSe 2018:
- Begleitseminar zum (im Ausland absolvierten) Forschungspraktikum (4-wöchig)
- Introduction to English Language Teaching
- WiSe 2017/2018:
- Creative Writing in the FLC
- Introduction to English Language Teaching
- Intercultural Learning
- Intercultural Learning
- Learner Orientation
- SoSe 2017:
- Introduction to English Language Teaching
- Intercultural Learning
- Intercultural Learning
- Picture Narratives in the Classroom
- Expectations and Experience of Teaching Assistants
- WiSe 2015/2016:
- Introduction to English Language Teaching
- Intercultural Learning
- Intercultural Learning
- Picture Narratives in the EFL Classroom
- Teaching Genre
- Expectations and Experience of Teaching Assistants
- SoSe 2015:
- Picture Books
- Introduction to English Language Teaching
- Intercultural Learning
- Intercultural Learning
- Begleitseminar zum (im Ausland absolvierten) Forschungspraktikum (4-wöchig): Expectations and Experience of Teaching Assistants
- WiSe 2014/15:
- Picture Books in the EFL Classroom
- Introduction to English Language Teaching
- Intercultural Learning
- Intercultural Learning
- Teaching Genre
- SoSe 2013:
- A mouse took a stroll through the deep dark wood: Picture Books in the EFL Classroom
- Introduction to English Language Teaching
- Introduction to Intercultural Learning
- Teaching Genre
- WiSe 2012/2013:
- Introduction to English Language Teaching
- Teaching Creative Writing
- Teaching Creative Writing (Blockseminar)
- Teaching Genre
- SoSe 2012:
- Introduction to English Language Teaching
- Students as Storytellers: Fostering Narrative Competence in Learners of English
- Teaching Genre
- WiSe 2011/2012:
- Introduction to English Language Teaching
- Creative Writing
- Grammar