
Two professorships are linked to the Institute of Labour Law. The Institute is tasked with teaching and conducting research in the areas of German individual and collective labour law, while also emphasizing foreign and international labour law and European labour law.
The Institute’s specialized library contains over 30,000 volumes and thereby constitutes one of the most important collections of labour law literature in Germany. A special feature of the library is its emphasis on literature on comparative labour law and foreign labour law. This permits teaching and research to take on board the law’s increasing Europeanization and internationalization. The library of the Institute is available not only to employees and associates of the Institute, but as well to doctoral students and guests.
The Institute, and particularly its collection of literature, receives support from the Association for the Promotion of Comparative Labour Law and International Labour Law, founded in 1990 on the initiative of Professor Dr. Dres. h.c. Gamillscheg and Prof. Dr. h.c. Molitor. The Association’s current Chair is Professor emeritus Dr. Otto.