Students of all programmes in Economics are advised to sign up for news alerts issued by chairs and institutes.
These alerts help to keep you up-to-date about important dates, job vacancies and changes in daily schedules.
- How can I sign up?
Simply send a blank email to with subscribe as subject. The system will reply with a mail in which you have to confirm your subscription by clicking on an embedded link. You will receive a confirmation upon successful registration. - How can I end my subscription?
The routine is similar to the sign-up process: just send a blank email to with unsubscribe as subject. You will also receive a message asking you to confirm cancellation of your subscription by clicking the link embedded in the message. The process is completed with a message confirming the removal of your address from the list of recipients. - Can I send messages via [Infosystem]?
Only staff members are allowed to send messages through [infosystem]. Spam or private messages are automatically deleted.