Executive Board
- Wolf, Fred, Prof. Dr. - Physics of Biological Systems/Theoretical Neurophysics (CIDBN/MPI-DS) - Managing director CIDBN
- Löwel, Siegrid, Prof. Dr. - Systems Neuroscience (UBio/CIDBN) - Deputy managing director CIDBN
- Schacht, Annekathrin, Prof. Dr. - Cognition, Emotion and Behaviour (UBio/CIDBN)
- Wibral, Michael, Prof. Dr. - Data-driven Analysis of Biological Networks (UBio/CIDBN)
- Yahyapour, Ramin, Prof. Dr. - Practical Informatics (GWDG/UInf/CIDBN)
- Schöne, Cornelia, Dr. - Systemische Neurobiologie (UBio/CIDBN) - Postdoc
- Zwicker, David, Dr. - Theorie biologischer Flüssigkeiten (MPI-DS/CIDBN) - Research group leader
- Schwarz, Friedrich - Neurophysik (CIDBN) - Bachelor student
- Reimann, Yvonne, Dr. - Management (CIDBN)
- Häring, Matthias, Dr. - Physics of Biological Systems (CIDBN) - postdoc
- Pommer, Stefan, PhD - Laboratory Neurophysics (UMG/CIDBN) (CIDBN/UMG) - costdoc
- Korkowsky, Britta, Dr. - coordinator (CIDBN)
Deputy members of the Executive Board
Scientific Staff
- Aamir, Namra - Physics of Biological Systems (CIDBN) - PhD student
- Abbaszadeh, Roya - Physics of Biological Systems (CIDBN) - Research Assistant, associated
- Bandow, Bernhard, Dr. - High Performance Computing (GWDG/CIDBN) - Coordination
- Bhattarchaya, Subhodeep - Systems Neuroscience (UBio) - PhD Student, associated
- Ehrlich, David - Data-driven Analysis of Biological Networks (CIDBN) - PhD Student
- Fiorenza, Juan Pablo - Data-driven Analysis of Biological Networks (CIDBN) - PhD Student, associated
- Franz, Jonas, Dr. - Neuropathology (UMG) - Postdoc
- Gottwald, Arne - Data-driven Analysis of Biological Networks (UBio) - PhD Student, associated
- Gutknecht, Aaron, Dr. - Data-driven Analysis of Biological Networks (UBio) - Postdoc, associated
- Häring, Matthias, Dr. - Physics of Biological Systems (CIDBN) - Postdoc
- Kargar, Masoud - Systems Neuroscience (UBio) - PhD Student, associated
- Kim, Hyojin, PhD - Institute for Auditory Neuroscience, InnerEarLab (UMG) - Postdoc
- Makkeh, Abdullah, Dr. - Data-driven Analysis of Biological Networks (UBio) - Postdoc
- Möller, Konstantin - Laboratory Neurophysics (CIDBN) - Student Assistant, associated
- Muneeb, Sayed - Physics of Biological Systems (CIDBN) - Student Assistant, associated
- Neef, Andreas, Dr. - Laboratory Neurophysics (CIDBN) - Head
- Pommer, Stefan, PhD - Laboratory Neurophysics (UMG/CIDBN) - Postdoc
- Sathiyamani, Jaya - Systems Neuroscience (UBio) - PhD Student, associated
- Schmidt, Alexander, Dr. - Neurophysics (CIDBN) - Postdoc
- Schöne, Cornelia, Dr. - Systems Neuroscience (UBio/CIDBN) - Postdoc
- Soltanipour, Mohammadreza - Physics of Biological Systems (CIDBN) - PhD Student
- Stawyskyj, Zoe - Physics of Biological Systems (CIDBN) - PhD Student
- Sternbach, Michael, Dr. - Physics of Biological Systems (CIDBN) - Postdoc
- Vogel, Julian, Dr. - Physics of Biological Systems (CIDBN) - Postdoc
- Wang, Qiyan - Physics of Biological Systems (CIDBN) - Research Assistant, associated
- Wesch, Neil Lewis - Neurophysics (CIDBN) - PhD Student
- Schwarz, Friedrich - Neurophysics (CIDBN) - B.Sc. Student
Administration and Management
- Ahlbrecht, Christina - Systems Neuroscience/Laboratory Neurophysics (UBio/CIDBN) - Technical Assistance, associated
- von Behren, Christina - Administration (CIDBN)
- Bülk, Elke - Data-driven Analysis of Biological Networks (CIDBN) - Secretary
- Brown, Alice, PhD - Laboratory Neurophysics (CIDBN) - Lab Management
- Kleinhans, Simone - Systems Neuroscience (UBio) - Secretary, associated
- Korkowsky, Britta, Dr. - Coordination (CIDBN)
- Lührmann, Constantin - Software Engineer (CIDBN)
- Parsa, Hariri - Student Assistant (CIDBN)
- Quezada, Salvador - Student Assistant (CIDBN)
- Reimann, Yvonne, Dr. - Management (CIDBN)
- Steinwachs, Fabian - IT Administrator (CIDBN)
- Vogel, Gisela, Dr. (UBio), associated
Guest scientists
- Engelken, Rainer, Dr. (Columbia University, New York, USA)
- Gabrielaitis, Mantas, Dr. (BPTI Vilnius, Latvia)
- Großhans, Jörg, Prof. Dr. (Philipps-Universität Marburg)
- Kong, Deqing, Dr. (Philipps-Universität Marburg)
Gender equality
- Aggelopoulos, Nikolaos, Dr.
- Burmeister, Charlotte
- Dehmel, Susanne, Dr.
- Deisel, Tobias
- Fricke, Merle
- Garrett, Andrew, Dr.
- Gütig, Robert, Prof. Dr.
- Ivanov, Vladyslav
- Jaramillo, Jorge, Dr.
- Jeuffrard, Maël
- Jürgens, Rebecca, Dr.
- Lazarov, Elinor, Dr. †
- Lenner, Nicolas, Dr.
- LeDonne, Luisa, Dr.
- Leon Pinza, Carolina, Dr.
- Libner, Christian
- Mahmoudian, Sepehr
- Makowiecki, Kalina, Dr.
- Martins Merino, Ricardo, Dr.
- Muth, Sarah
- Nagel, Aaron
- Nay, Arian
- Patel, Smit, BA
- Nourmohammad, Armita, Prof. Dr.
- Rostosky, Christine, Dr.
- Scheitz, Rabea
- Schick-Poland, Kyle
- Schultheis, Erik
- Sharaf, Mahmoud
- Silies, Marion, Prof. Dr.
- Tippmann, Anja, Dr.
- Unakafov, Anton, Dr.
- Willig, Katrin, Prof. Dr.
- Wu, Wenqi, Dr.
- Yusifov, Rashad, Dr.
- Zhang, Chenfei, Dr.
CIDBN    Göttingen Campus Institute for Dynamics of Biological Networks;    DPZ    German Primate Center;    GWDG    Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen;    
MPI-NAT    Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences;    MPI-DS    Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization;    SUB    Göttingen State and University Library;    UBio    Faculty of Biology - University of Göttingen;    UInf    Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics - University of Göttingen;    UPhys     Faculty of Physics - University of Göttingen;    UMG    University Medical Center Göttingen