
2018: Presseinformation: Stoßdämpfer für Zellen (Project B07) Göttinger Wissenschaftler entdecken erstaunliche mechanische Eigenschaften von Proteinen (German only). The results are published in Science Advances Viscoelastic properties of vimentin originate from nonequilibrium conformational changes.

2018: Presseinformation: Google Maps für das Kleinhirn (Project C01) (German only) Featuring publication: Three-dimensional virtual histology of human cerebellum by X-ray phase-contrast tomography

2018: Dectris Award for Markus Osterhoff
Markus Osterhoff at the Institute for X-ray Physics and principal investigator in the SFB 755 C12 and INF-Project has designed, programmed, and commissioned a dedicated data analysis cluster. For this work, he was announced the first winner of the Dectris Award for Innovative Researchers ( The SFB 755 congratulates Markus Osterhoff.

Claus Ropers2017: Prof. Dr. Claus Ropers wird mit dem Leibniz-Preis ausgezeichnet
Mit Claus Ropers, Teilprojektleiter des Projekts C08 "Coherent FEL and high-harmonic pulses and their wavefronts" wird ein führender Wissenschaftler auf dem Gebiet der Elektronenmikroskopie mit dem Leibniz-Preis ausgezeichnet, der das neue Forschungsfeld der Quantenoptik von Elektronen mit geprägt hat. Zu seinen jüngsten Erfolgen gehört, dass er 2015 die Möglichkeit der Manipulation des Quantenzustands eines freien Elektronenstrahls in einem Transmissionselektronenmikroskop nachweisen konnte. Zuvor leistete er mit seinen Arbeiten zur Kontrolle der Fotoemission aus extrem dünnen Metallspitzen mittels Terahertz- und optischen Feldern einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur zukünftigen Entwicklung ultraschneller Rastersondenmikroskope. Auch seine Forschung zur Erzeugung energiereicher ultravioletter Strahlung an plasmonischen Nanostrukturen fand weltweit Beachtung. Dabei gelang es Ropers stets, komplexe theoretische Konzepte experimentell zu realisieren; so konnte er eine Vielzahl von innovativen Forschungsansätzen initiieren und in neue Dimensionen der zeitaufgelösten Elektronenmikroskopie vorstoßen. Der SFB 755 gratuliert ganz herzlich zu dieser Auszeichnung.

2017: Prof. Dr. Claus Ropers erhält Klung-Wilhelmy-Wissenschafts-Preis
Prof. Dr. Claus Ropers, Teilprojektleiter des Projekts C08 "Coherent FEL and high-harmonic pulses and their wavefronts" erhält den Klung-Welhelmy-Wissenschaftspreis 2017. Gewürdigt werden seine bahnbrechenden Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der ultraschnellen Elektronenmikroskopie und der nichtlinearen Licht-Elektronen-Wechselwirkung an Nanostrukturen. Der Preis wird unter der Schirmherrschaft der Bundesministerin für Bildung und Forschung verliehen. Der SFB 755 gratuliert Claus Ropers ganz herzlich zu diesem Preis.

2017: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hohage erhält Berufung zum Max Planck Fellow
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hohage, Teilprojektleiter der Projekte C02 und C09, ist zum neuen Max Planck Fellow am Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung (MPS) berufen worden. Der SFB 755 gratuliert zu dieser Auszeichnung.

2017: Ozan Öktem
The Academy of Sciene in Göttingen has decided to grant Prof. Dr. Ozan Öktem the Gauss-Professurship for 2,5 months in 2018. He is a world-leading expert in mathematical reconstruction methods for various nanoscale imaging modalities, in particular electron microscopy and coherent x-ray imaging. This makes him an ideal match for the corresponding research focus at the Göttingen Campus and the SFB 755. The Gauss-Professorship was established on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Gauss´ Death. It is awarded to important scientists in one of Gauss´ fields of interest. The SFB 755 congratulates Ozan Öktem.

Koester 2016: Sarah Köster
Sarah Köster, Professor at the Institute of X-ray Physics and Principal Investigator in SFB755-projects B07 and C10, was awarded a Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). The SFB 755 congratulates Sarah Köster.

From 11 December 2016 to 28 May 2016: The ON/OFF exhibition. The Nobel Prize and the Boundaries of Science
The exhibition will be opened on Sunday 11 December 2016 in the seminar and event house "Alte Mensa" (Wilhemsplatz 3, ground floor) from Tuesday to Sunday (12 am to 7 pm), entry free. Further information see

November 2016: Dorothea Schlözer Mentoring Programme for our PhD-student Anna-Lena Martins
The program addresses female doctoral and postdoctoral scientists and scholars at Göttingen Campus, striving for a career in academia. With its three columns mentoring - training - networking it aims at supporting female researchers on their way into leadership positions. 9 female PostDocs and 11 female PhD students out of 31 interested persons were selected to participate in the two-stage process. The SFB 755 congratulates her PhD-student Anna-Lena Martins. The next application period will start in May 2017,the next mentoring round is in November 2017. For further information contact:

Prof. Claus Ropers und Dr. Sascha Schäfer wurden je mit dem "Sonderpreis" des Stiftungsrates der Georg-August-Universität ausgezeichnet
Der Stiftungsrat der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Stiftung Öffentlichen Rechts hat auch in diesem Jahr wieder Mitglieder der Georgia Augusta für besondere universitäre Aktivitäten und Leistungen ausgezeichnet.
Prof. Dr. Claus Ropers und Dr. Sascha Schäfer vom IV. Physikalischen Institut erhielten die "Sonderpreise" für ihre herausragenden Beiträge zur Entwicklung ultraschneller Transmissions-Elektronenmikroskopie (UTEM). Beide haben in den vergangenen Jahren international vielbeachtete Arbeit geleistet, die zur Etablierung zeitaufgelöster Elektronenmikroskopie mit bisher unerreichter Qualität geführt hat. Aus diesen Entwicklungen leiten sich weltweit herausragende experimentelle Möglichkeiten in der zeitaufgelösten Spektroskopie und Mikroskopie mit ultrakurzen Elektronenpulsen ab. Der SFB 755 gratuliert ganz herzlich zu diesen Auszeichnungen.

19. Deutsche Physikerinnentagung (DPT) vom 15. bis 18. Oktober 2015 in Göttingen" .
Die von der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft e.V. (DPG) organisierte Fachtagung fand in diesem Jahr in der Fakultät für Physik in Göttingen statt. Im Vordergrund stand der fachliche Austausch von Physikerinnen aller Qualifikationen - von der Bachelor-Studentin bis zur Professorin und Industriephysikerin. In diesem Jahr gab es erstmals einen Themenschwerpunkt, der sich am von der UN-Generalversammlung ausgerufenen Internationalen Jahr des Lichts orientiert. Schirmherrin der DPT war Bundesministerin Prof. Dr. Wanka. Die Veranstaltung wurde organisiert von einem Team von Studierenden der verschiedenen Institute innerhalb der Fakultät für Physik der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen und des Max-Planck-Instituts für Sonnensystemforschung.

Axel Munk 2015: Axel Munk
Axel Munk. Professor Mathematical Stochastics and Prinicipal Investigator in SFB755-projects A04, A06, and A07, was awarded with IMS fellowship. At the Joint Statistical Meeting he was named fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (also IMS), the largest scientific organization for mathematical statistics and probability. The award was given in recognition of ground-breaking contributions to change-point problems, fundamental research in inverse problems and its applications to biophysics, influential work on data analysis on manifolds and fingerprints, and leadership in the German statistical community. The SFB 755 congratulates Axel Munk.

The DFG will financially support the Collaborative Research Center (SFB 755) "Nanoscale Photonic Imaging" .
The interdisciplinary SFB 755 was established by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG), took effect beginning July 1st, 2007, and July 1st, 2011, and is now prolonged for another four years.

Claus Ropers 2015: Claus Ropers
Claus Ropers, Professor for Experimental Solid State Physics at the IV. Physical Institute and Principal Investigator in SFB755-project C08, was awarded a Starting Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). The project will focus on the development of a new technique to study ultrafast structural dynamics at surfaces with laser-triggered electron pulses. The SFB 755 congratulates Claus Ropers.

Murat Sivis 2015 Murat Sivis awarded with the prize "Herausragende Nachwuchspublikationen"
The Foundation Board of the University of Göttingen awarded Dr. Murat Sivis - a former PhD student - with the prize "Herausragende Nachwuchspublikationen" for his three publications "Nanostructure-enhanced atomic line emission", "Extreme-ultraviolet light generation in plasmonic nanostructures" and "Generation and Bistability of a Waveguide Nanoplasma Observed by Enhanced Extreme-Ultraviolet Fluorescence". He proved that an idea, already largely accepted by scientists, was based on a misinterpretation and miscalibration in a former Nature-publication. He was the first person able to prove this fact as well as to show an alternative explanation of his observations. SFB 755 congratulates Murat Sivis.

Stefan Hell 2014: Prof. Dr. Stefan W. Hell receives the "Nobel Prize for Chemistry"
We congratulate Stefan Hell for the Nobel Prize of Chemistry 2014, which he receives for the development of the super-resolution fluorescence microscopy. Stefan Hell is principal investigator of the SFB 755 (Project A01 , B11 )

2014: Murat Sivis receives the "Dr. Berliner-Dr. Ungewitter-Stiftung"
Murat Sivis, a former PhD student of the SFB 755, project C08, received the award "Dr. Berliner-Dr. Ungewitter-Stiftung" provided with 1.000 € for the best dissertation. With his dissertation Dr. Murat Sivis solved a highly topical and internationally controversially discussed issue in the field of nano-optics. The SFB 755 would like to congratulate Murat Sivis for receiving this award.

Christoph Schmidt 2014: Christoph Schmidt
Christoph Schmidt professor at the DPI and Principal Investigator in SFB755-project A03 was awarded an Advanced Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). The SFB 755 congratulates Christoph Schmidt.

2014: Stefan W. Hell receives the Kavli Prize for Nanoscience
Stefan W. Hell, member of the SFB 755 project A01 & B11, receives the Kavli Prize for Nanoscience provided with a Million US Dollar. This Prize in Nanoscience is shared by Thomas W. Ebbesen, Université Louis Pasteur, Université de Strasbourg, France, Stefan W. Hell, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany, and Sir John B. Pendry, Imperial College London, UK. The three sciences received the prize "for their transformative contributions to the field of nano-optics that have broken long-held beliefs about the limitations of the resolution limits of optical microscopy and imaging" For further information please visit or The SFB 755 would like to sincerely congratulate Stefan W. Hell for receiving this prize.

7th Autumn School 2013
Our 7th Autumn School (September 1-5,2013) was held and the first time organized as a joint event with the SFB 937 "Collective behavior of soft and biological matter".
The autumn school has presented the state of the relevant scientific disciplines through presentations from members of both collaborative research centers as well as from invited speakers. For the nearly hundred participants it was a perfect opportunity to initiate collaborations and to intensify already established work.

Ropers_2 Walter-Schottky-Preis 2013 for Claus Ropers
Prof. Dr. Claus Ropers, member of the SFB 755 project C08, received the Walter-Schottky-Award 2013 provided with 10.000 €. With this award the German Physics Society (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft) is honoring Claus Ropers for his outstanding science for photoemission from nanostructures. For further information see The SFB 755 would like to sincerely congratulate Claus Ropers for receiving this award.

2013: Claus Ropers has been appointed as W3-Professor
Prof.Dr. Claus Ropers - principal investigator of the project C08 "Coherent FEL and high-harmonic pulses and their wavefronts" has been appointed as W3-Professor in "Nano-optics and ultrafast dynamics" at the Georg-August University Göttingen (Faculty of Physics). The SFB 755 congratulates Claus Ropers.

Stepahn Huckemann has accepted
PD Dr. Stephan Huckemann - principal investigator of the project B08 "Formation of stress fibers in adult stem cells" has accepted a professorship (W2) for "Statisitk auf Nichteuklidischen Räumen" at the University of Göttingen (Institute for Mathematical Stochatics). The SFB 755 congratulates Stephan Huckemann.

Simone Techert has accepted a professorship at the Georg-August-University
PD Dr. Simone Techert, principal investigator of the two projects B03 and B10, has accepted in a W3-Professorship "Structural dynamics and ultra-fast spectroscopy". The SFB 755 congratulates her.

08.04.2013 1. International Symposium
On April 04 - 05, 2013, the SFB 755 Nanoscale Photonic Imaging held his International Symposium at the Max-Planck- Campus in Göttingen. This event has been attended by principal investigators of the CRC as well by high profile speakers from abroad. The topics covered a broad range of topics. The response with over 110 participants exceeded the expectations of the organizers.

2013. Simone Techert receives Morino Lectureship Award of the Morino Foundation and the Chemical Society of Japan and Helmholtz Research Professorship Award of the Helmholtz-Society. The SFB 755 congratulates her.

17.10.2012: Stefan W. Hell receives Science Prize of the Fritz Behrens Foundation
Stefan W. Hell, Director at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry and Head of the Department of NanoBiophotonics, receives Science Prize of the Fritz Behrens Foundation. Prof. Hell is principal investigator of the SFB 755 projects A01 and B11. For furhter information see The SFB 755 would like to sincerely congratulate Stefan W. Hell for receiving this prize.

28.09.2012: ERC Grants for Jean-Christophe Baret
Jean-Christophe Baret, independent research group leader for Micro- and nanostructures in two-phase fluids at the Max-Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-organization and principal investigator of the SFB 755 project B12 has been awarded a Starting Grant of the European Research Council (ERC) for his project 'Soft Interfaces'. In the next 5 years he and his group will develop new tools based on the control of interfaces in droplet based microfluidics for soft matter studies and biotechnology applications.

16.08.2011: Gerlind Plonka-Hoch - a new principal investigator
Project C11 "Fresnel wavelets for coherent diffractive imaging": The SFB 755 welcomes Prof. Dr. Gerlind Plonk-Hoch as a new principal investigator. She starts her project C11 "Fresnel wavelets for coherent diffractive imaging" in August 2011.

06.07.2011: 2011 Körber European Science Prize
Stefan W. Hell, Director at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry and Head of the Department of NanoBiophotonics, is awarded the 2011 Körber Prize for his pioneering discoveries in the field of optic. With a groundbreaking idea the phsicist has overcome the diffraction resolution barrier in optical microscopy. Prof. Hell is principal investigator of the SFB 755 projects A01 and B11. For furhter information see The SFB 755 would like to sincerely congratulate Stefan W. Hell for receiving this prize.

16.06.2011 Nernst Haber Bodenstein Prize awarded to Christian Eggeling
Christian Eggeling at the Göttingen MPI for Biophysical Chemistry has been conferred the Nernst Haber Bodenstein Prize 2011. With this award the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry honors young researchers for outstanding scientific achievements. Dr. Christian Eggeling is principal investigator of the SFB 755 project B11. For furhter information see The SFB 755 would like to sincerely congratulate Christian Eggeling for receiving this prize.