
News: August 2024

Almost 250 years ago, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg discovered the so-called Lichtenberg figures, patterns that are created by high-voltage discharges on or in dielectrics. One might think that this is old news? Not at all, even today these electrostatic discharge phenomena are still the subject of cutting-edge research, as shown by this paper published in Science in July: Dynamics of high-speed electrical tree growth in electron-irradiated polymethyl methacrylate (access may be restricted to authorized users). Thanks to T. Weitz for the tip.

News: May 2024
With great pleasure we announce our newest five exhibits: folding stool for our visitor, if the tour does not seem to end again! A big thank you to Forum Wissen for the help with ordering!



News: January 2024
A project long in the making is finally online - a virtual tour of our historic collection (dated 2021). A big thanks to Scasa GmbH.

News: October 2023
Starting 12th of October 2023 the collection will now open on Thursdays from 12:00-2:00 pm until further notice (regular working days, holidays exempt).

News: September 2023
We have an article on our objects in the "Sammlungsschaufenster" of Forum Wissen. Enjoy the read!

News: 07 Dec 2022
The "Sammlungsschaufenster" within the "Forum Wissen" opens on December 15, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. Further information on the opening can be found on the website of the Sammlungsschaufenster.

News: Fall 2022
A large part of the objects of the Geophysical Collection can currently be admired on loan in the Physical Cabinet! Furthermore, in the current communications (No. 59 / 2022) of the Gauss Society in Göttingen, an article on the reconstruction of the vice heliotrope by Carl Friedrich Gauss has been published for the Knowledge Forum (Content).

News: Spring 2022
As part of the Pohl project, a new showcase was created in the collection, which deals with Robert Wichard Pohl. Many thanks to Michael Markert for the design!

News: 02 Jan 2022
As part of the research project on the Pohl teaching collection, a short film entitled "Behind the Shadows" was created, which looks behind the scenes of the Göttingen experimental physics lectures in the tradition of Robert Wichard Pohl. It can be viewed at the following Link in the AV portal of the Technical Information Library.

News: 09 Dec 2021
As part of the "Sach-Verstand" series of lectures, Michael Markert and Daniel Steil gave a lecture entitled "Robert Wichard Pohl's long shadow. Innovative physical teaching for the 20th century from Göttingen". A recording can be found on the university's YouTube channel: Link.
Information on the progress of the research project on the Pohl teaching collection can also be found on Michael Markert's blog: Schattenprojektionen.

News. 30. Sep. 2019
The Pohl collection is the topic of a research grant of the MWK within the funding line PRO*Niedersachsen starting October 2019 and will be studied by the chair for "Materialität des Wissens" in cooperation with the I. Institue of Physics (see press release Uni Göttingen (german only)).

News: 01. Sep. 2017
The lecture on historical experiments of Lichtenberg in the lecture series "G. C. Lichtenberg - Schriftsteller, Physiker, Aufklärer" of Dr. Daniel Steil (I. Insitute of Physics) on 27.06.17 was a huge success with more than 250 attendees. Coverage can be found here and here from the local newspaper Göttinger Tageblatt. A complete video of the lecture is available on Youtube.

News: 27. Jun. 2017
In the course of the lecture series "G. C. Lichtenberg - Schriftsteller, Physiker, Aufklärer" Dr. Daniel Steil from the I. Institute of Physics I. will give and experimental talk about some historical experiments of Lichtenberg in the Lichtenberg lecture hall (HS1) of the physics department more...

News: 21. Jan. 2017
During the "3. Göttinger Nacht des Wissens" we will have guided tours from 18 - 24 hours for small groups. Furthermore, demonstration experiments will be presented at the entrance to the collection and there will be some do-it-yourself experiments. more...

News: May 22, 2016
The University of Göttingen presents the Day of open Collection: From 10 pm to 4 am our Physical Cabinet will open - guided tours are offered on request more...

News: January 17, 2015
In the 2nd Göttinger Night of knowledge the Physical Cabinet will open the doors from 5 pm -12 am more...

News: October 2013
The data base "Lichtenberg digital" with 3D animations of objects is now available at more ...

News: October 21, 2013 Physics Colloquium "Lichtenberg Edition"
Prof. Dr. Markus Muenzenberg "Lichtenbergs Objekte im Physicalischen Cabinet- Eine digitale Bestandsaufnahme",
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Joost "Tauben Ohren predigen – Der Physiker Lichtenberg als akademischer Lehrer"
Following the talks there will be a reception of the Goettingen Academy of Science. The digitalized objects can be compared to Lichtenberg's original objects within the Physicalisches Cabinet, which is open to visitors.

News: April 2013 In a series in the local newspaper Göttinger Tageblatt the collections of the University are presented (German only). more ...

News: April 2013 Student organized public lecture series "History of physics - science, society, responsibility ", Wednesdays, 18 Uhr c.t., Historisches building of the SUB (großer Lesesaal / Pauliner church), Papendiek 14. more ...

News: April 2012 Public lecture series "History of physics - Revolution of great thinkers", Thursdays, 18 Uhr c.t., Historisches building of the SUB (großer Lesesaal / Pauliner church), Papendiek 14. more ...

News: March 2012 Exhibition "Objects of Knowledge", Pauliner Kirche, 2. Juni bis 7. Oktober 2012. more ...

News: February 2012 Conference "Universität der Dinge", Göttingen, 4. bis 6. October 2012, with international Symposion »Academic Collecting: History-Practice-Epistemology«. more ...

News: December 2011 On the history of electricity from Franklin to Maxwell by M. Münzenberg in the December issue "Georgia Augusta" more ...

News: April 2011 The physical cabinet has now opened for public on Mondays from 16:15 to 17:15 (except semester break) before the colloquium.

News: All collections, museums and gardens of the university more...