
Program (PDF)

Wednesday, February 12

19:00 Warming Up, L’Osteria (Kurze-Geismar-Str. 9)

Thursday, February 13

09:30-10:15 Registration and opening

10:15-11:00 [Invited Presentation] Gerado Ortega
Bodily actions as starting point. Evidence from sign and gesture

11:00-11:30 Door Spruijt and Šárka Kadavá
Obvious, but only in context: An exploration of meaning making in the visual modality

11:30-12:00 Katie Mudd and Marieke Schouwstra
Iconicity mediates the relationship between shared context and lexical variation

12:00-12:30 Domitille Caillat, Mickaëlla Grondin Verdon and Slim Ouni
Iconic Co-verbal gestures: Study of some facets of iconicity

12:30-14:00 Lunch + group photo

14:00-14:30 Lennart Fritzsche and Sebastian Walter
A demonstrational analysis of modified pro-speech gestures

14:30-15:00 Daiya Kuryu
Diagrammatic iconicity operating in two different motivations for the same multimodal pattern: The case of ‘back and forth’ + 2-Hand-Alternation-Sagittal (2HAS) gesture

15:00-15:30 Lorraine Leeson, Terry Janzen and Barbara Shaffer
Conceptual structure and iconic gestures in simultaneous interpreting

15:30-16:30 Coffee and poster session

16:30-17:00 Alina Gregori, Marta Herget and Paul Koenig
Iconicity in autological words and other lexical concepts

17:00-17:30 Katja Jasinskaja
Iconic representation of duration in narrative discourse

17:30-18:00 Kurt Erbach, Cornelia Ebert and Magnus Poppe
Binding presuppositions to iconic gestures

19:00 Conference Dinner, Chay Vegan Kitchen (Goethe-Allee 4A)

Friday, Februar 14

09:00-09:45 [Invited Presentation] Simon Kollien
Constructed Action and Constructed Dialogue from the teachers perspective. A didactic look at the CA/CD-typology

09:45-10:15 Cornelia Loos
Encoding temporal simultaneity of events in classifier constructions: Investigating the limits of iconic representation in German Sign Language (DGS)

10:15-10:45 Pia Gehlbach, Thomas A. Finkbeiner, Nina-Kristin Meister and Markus Steinbach
Patterned Iiconicity in German Sign Language (DGS) - Iconic Strategies across 13 semantic categories

10:45-11:15 Coffee

11:15-11:45 Gaurav Mathur and Christian Rathmann
Stabilizing the impact of iconicity on morphological processes in signed languages

11:45-12:15 Lutzenberger Hannah, Neil Fox, Heidi Proctor, Josefina Safar, Matt Brown and Adam Schembri
Seeing signs of morphology: How iconic are grammatical form-meaning relations in British Sign Language for hearing non-signers?

12:15-12:45 Annika Schiefner, Beyza Sümer and Floris Roelofsen
Iconic but not transparent: intricate relationship between iconicity and transparency in Sign Language of the Netherlands

12:45-14:00 Lunch

14:00-14:30 Vanessa Wing Yan Tsang and Pamela Perniss
The perception of iconicity in compound signs of Hong Kong Sign Language

14:30-15:00 Christian Rathmann, Ronice Quadros and Donna Jo Napoli
Iconic shadows

15:00-15:30 Hadrien Cousin
Iconicity and reference across modalities: depicting referents in French Belgian Sign Language (LSFB) and in Belgian French

15:30-15:45 Closing

15:45 Coffee and farewell

Poster presentations

• Anna Marklová, Jiří Milička, Leonid Ryvkin, Ludmila Bennet and Libuše Kormaníková: Large language models´ ability to generate iconic pseudowords
• Maria Flaksman, Yulia Sedelkina, Yulia Lavitskaya and Liubov Tkacheva: Visual perception of sound-imitative words at different de-iconization stages in synthetic and analytic languages by lexical decision task
• Josiah Nii Ashie Neequaye, Kim Kaul and Markus Steinbach, Cornelia Ebert: Multimodal iconicity - ideophones and co-speech gestures in Ga and German
• Natasha Janzen Ulbricht: ‘The mouse pulls on the elephant trunk and coins start to fly in the hat.’ An empirical gesture study on L2 grammatical morpheme learning in middle childhood
• Alejandro Fojo, Roberto Aguirre, María Noel Macedo and Mauricio Castillo: Distribution of spaces axis in the LSU time lexicon