

Bhagwat T., Kuemmerle T., Soofi M., Donald P.F., Hölzel N., Salemgareev A., Stirnemann I., Urazaliyev R., Baumann M., Kamp J. 2024. A novel, post-Soviet fire disturbance regime drives bird diversity and abundance on the Eurasian steppe. Global Change Biology, 30: e17026.

Bonnier R., Plieninger T., Bhagwat T., Kamp J. 2024. Viticulture abandonment benefits the bird community of the French Mediterranean. Basic and Applied Ecology 79: 46–56.

Fahimi H., Soofi M., Ahmadi N., Qashqaei A.T., Heidari H., Bungum H., Rech B., Trepel J., Waltert M. 2024. Distribution, behavior and diet of the Asiatic black bear in human modified landscapes. Basic and Applied Ecology 80: 23-30.

Frank C., Hertzog L., Klimek S., Schwieder M., Tetteh G. O., Böhner H. G. S., Röder N., Levers C., Katzenberger J., Kreft H., Kamp J. 2024. Woody semi-natural habitats modulate the effects of field size and functional crop diversity on farmland birds. Journal of Applied Ecology 61: 987–999.

Grünwald J., Auniņš A., Brambilla M., Escandell V., Eskildsen D.P., Chodkiewicz T., Fontaine B., Jiguet F., Kålås J.A., Kamp J., Klvaňová A., Kuczyński L., Lehikoinen A., Lindström Å., Nellis R., Øien I.J., Šilarová E., Strebel N., Vikstrøm T., Voříšek P., Reif J. 2024. Ecological traits predict population trends of urban birds in Europe. Ecological Indicators 160: 111926.

Kamp J., Bhagwat T., Hölzel, N., Smelyansky, I. 2024. Collapse and recovery of livestock systems shape fire regimes on the Eurasian steppe: a review of ecosystem and biodiversity implications. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (in press). (preprint [pdf])

Laux A., Gottschalk E. 2024. Local sub-population dynamics of a central European grey partridge meta-population support large-scale conservation approach to halt its ongoing decline. Wildlife Biology (Early View).

Laux A., Waltert M., Gottschalk E. 2024. A landscape-based approach to design flower blocks may reduce mammalian predator activity and protect ground-nesting farmland birds. Biodiversity and Conservation (in press).

Laux A., Mayer K., Beeke W., Waltert M., Gottschalk E. 2024. Distance to the edge and other landscape features influence nest predation in grey partridges. Animal Conservation 27:196-211.

Lundgren E.J., Bergman J., Trepel J., le Roux E., Monsarrat S., Kristensen J.A., Pedersen R.Ø., Pereyra P., Tietje M., Svenning J-C. 2024. Functional traits - not nativeness - shape the effects of large mammalian herbivores on plant communities. Science 383:531-537.

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Pflüger F.J., Frank C., Busch M., Wahl J., Dröschmeister R., Sudfeldt C., Kamp J. 2024. Semi-structured citizen science data reveal mixed effectiveness of EU Special Protection Areas (SPA) in Germany. Biological Conservation 299: 110801.

Port M., Tröger C., Hohmann U. 2024. Status assessment of a recently reintroduced Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx) population in the Palatinate Forest, South-West Germany. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 70:55.

Schröer C., Singer D., Kamp J. 2024. Large, but dispersal-limited populations of the Marsh Fritillary Euphydryas aurinia persist on abandoned military training areas three decades after the end of the Cold War. Ecology and Evolution 14: e70459.

Singer D., Hagge J., Kamp J., Hondong H., Schuldt A. 2024. Aggregated time-series features boost species-specific differentiation of true and false positives in passive acoustic monitoring of bird assemblages. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 10: 517–530.

Singer D., Kamp J., Hondong H., Schuldt A., Hagge J. 2024. Diel and seasonal activity patterns revealed by passive acoustic monitoring suggest expert recommendations for breeding bird surveys need adjustment (submitted paper). Preprint

Solé M., Brendel S., Aldrich A., Dauber J., Ewald J., Duquesne S., Gottschalk E., Hoffmann J., Kuemmerlen M., Leake A., Matezki S., Meyer S., Nabel M., Natal-da-Luz T., Pieper S., Piselli D., Rigal S., Roß-Nickoll M., Schäffer A., Settele J., Sigmund G., Sotherton N., Wogram J., Messner D. 2024. Assessing in-field pesticide effects under European regulation and its implications for biodiversity: a workshop report. Environmental Science Europe 36: 153.

Soofi M., Ghasemi B., Ahmadpour M., Soufi M., Islami I., Eckert A., Gorjian Arabi M.H., Qashqaei A.T., Selyari J., Nasirahmadi K., Kamp J., Waltert M., Addison J., Pavey C.R. 2024. Application of the integrated threat theory to conservation law enforcement. Conservation Biology: e14248.

Trepel J., le Roux E., Abraham A., Buitenwerf R., Kamp J., Kristensen J.A., Tietje M., Lundgren E.J., Svenning J-C. 2024. Meta-analysis shows that wild large herbivores shape ecosystem properties and promote spatial heterogeneity. Nature Ecology and Evolution 8:705–716.

Trepel J., Abraham A.J., Lundgren E.J., Ferraro K., Fløjgaard C., Haugaard L., Sunde P., Tietje M., Kamp J., le Roux E. 2024. Zoogeochemistry of a protected area: Driven by anthropogenic impacts and animal behavior. Conservation Science and Practice 6: e13107.

Waltert M., Klug J., Motombi F.N., Cejp B., Bobo K.S., Soofi M., Peters M.K. 2024. Ant-following behavior is correlated with plumage traits in African understory birds. The Science of Nature 111: 41.

Zarges S., Wohlert J., Kamp J., Thorn S., Müller J., Hagge J. 2024. Debarking harvesters simultaneously combat the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) and conserve non-target beetle diversity. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 5: e12353.


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Douglas D.J.T., Waldinger J., Buckmire Z., Gibb K., Medina J.P., Sutcliffe L., Beckmann C., Collar N.J., Jansen R., Kamp J., Little I., Sheldon R., Yanosky A., Koper N. 2023. A global review identifies agriculture as the main threat to declining grassland birds. Ibis 165: 1107-1128.

Dutta T., De Barba M., Selva N., Fedorca A.C., Maiorano L., Thuiller W., Zedrosser A., Signer J., Pflüger F., Frank S., Lucas P.M. and Balkenhol N. 2023. An objective approach to select surrogate species for connectivity conservation. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11: 1078649.

Graser A., Kelling M., Pabst R., Schulz M., Hölzel N., Kamp J. 2023. Habitat quality, not patch isolation, drives distribution and abundance of two light-demanding butterflies in fragmented coppice landscapes. Journal of Insect Conservation 11: 1078649.

Hertzog L., Klimek S., Röder N., Frank C., Böhner H., Kamp J. 2023. Associations between farmland birds and fallow area at large scales: consistently positive over three periods of the EU Common Agricultural Policy but moderated by landscape complexity. Journal of Applied Ecology 60: 1077-1088.

Iddris N.A., Formaglio G., Paul C., von Groß V., Chen G., Angulo-Rubiano, A., Berkelmann, D., Brambach, F., Darras, K.F.A., Krashevska, V., Potapov, A., Wenzel, A., Irawan, B., Damris, M., Daniel, R., Grass, I., Kreft, H., Scheu, S., Tscharntke, T., Tjoa, A., Veldkamp, E., & Corre, M.D. 2023. Mechanical weeding enhances ecosystem multifunctionality and profit in industrial oil palm. Nature Sustainability 6: 683–695.

Kiffner C, Giliba R.A:, Fust P., Loos J., Waltert M. 2023. Assessing protected area effectiveness in western Tanzania: Insights from repeated line transect surveys. African Journal of Ecology 61: 966–979.

Koshkina A., Freitag F., Grigoreyeva I., Hölzel N., Stirnemann I., Velbert F., Kamp J. 2023. Post‐Soviet fire and grazing regimes govern the abundance of a key ecosystem engineer on the Eurasian steppe, the yellow ground squirrel Spermophilus fulvus. Diversity and Distributions 29: 395-408.

Kupsch, D., Knobloch, L., Bobo, K.S., Motombi, F.N. & Waltert, M. 2023. Rural livelihoods and biodiversity in Afrotropical agroforestry systems and oil palm plantations. In: Defining Agroecology – A Festschrift for Teja Tscharntke. Eds.: Dormann, C.F., Batáry, P., Grass, I., Klein, A.-M., Loos, J., Scherber, C., Stefan-Dewenter, I. & Wanger, T.C. Tredition, Hamburg, pages 223–240.

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Darul R., Gavashelishvili A., Saveljev A.P., Seryodkin I.V., …, Khorozyan I., …, Schmidt K. (32 authors) 2022. Coat polymorphism in Eurasian lynx: adaptation to environment or phylogeographic legacy? Journal of Mammalian Evolution 29: 51-62.

Filla M., Lama R.P., Ghaleb T.R., Filla T., Heurich M., Waltert M., Khorozyan I. 2022. Blue sheep strongly affect snow leopard relative abundance but not livestock depredation in the Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal. Global Ecology and Conservation 37:e02153

Filla M., Lama R.P., Filla T., Heurich M., Balkenhol N., Waltert M., Khorozyan I. 2022. Patterns of livestock depredation by snow leopards and effects of intervention strategies: lessons from the Nepalese Himalaya. Wildlife Research (Online).

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Ghoddousi A., Van Cayzeele C., Negahdar P, Soofi M., Hamidi A.Kh., Bleyhl B., Fandos G., Khorozyan I., Waltert M., Kuemmerle T. 2022. Understanding spatial patterns of poaching pressure using ranger logbook data to optimize future patrolling strategies. Ecological Applications (Online).

Heim R., Heim W., Bültmann H., Kamp J., Rieker D., Yurtaev A., Hölzel N. 2022. Fire disturbance promotes biodiversity of plants, lichens and birds in the Siberian subarctic tundra. Global Change Biology 28: 1048–1062 .

Heim W., Thomas A., Berner I., Korschefsky T., Hölzel N., Kamp J. 2022. Anthropogenic fire patterns affect niche breadth and overlap in sympatric songbird species. Science of the Total Environment 833: 155160.

Hertzog L.R., Röder N., Frank C., Böhner H.S., Kamp J. 2022. Village modernization and farmland birds: A reply to Rosin et al. (2021). Conservation Letters 15: e12874.

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O'Reilly E., Gregory R.D., Aunins A., Brotons L., Chodkiewic T., Escandell V., Foppen R.P.B., Gamero A., Herrando S., Jiguet F., Kålås J.A., Kamp J., Klvaňová A., Lehikoinen A., Lindström Å., Massimino D., Øien I.J., Reif J., Šilarová E., Teufelbauer N., Trautmann S., van Turnhout C., Vikstrøm T., Voříšek P., Butler S.J. 2022. An assessment of relative habitat use as a metric for species’ habitat association and degree of specialization. Ecological Indicators 135: 108521.

Pangau-Adam M., Flassy M., Trei J.-N., Waltert M., Soofi M. 2022. The role of the introduced rusa deer Cervus timorensis for wildlife hunting in West Papua, Indonesia. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 3:e12118.

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Püttmanns M., Böttges L., Filla T., Lehmann F., Martens A.S., Siegel F., Sippel A., von Bassi M., Balkenhol N., Waltert M., Gottschalk E. 2022. Habitat use and foraging parameters of breeding Skylarks indicate no seasonal decrease in food availability in heterogeneous farmland. Ecology and Evolution 12:e8461.

Püttmanns, M., Lehmann, F., Willert, F., Heinz, J., Kieburg, A., Filla, T., Balkenhol, N., Waltert, M., Gottschalk, E. 2022. No seasonal curtailment of the Eurasian Skylark’s (Alauda arvensis) breeding season in German heterogeneous farmland. Ecology and Evolution 12:e9267.

Soofi M., Qashqaei A.T., Mousavi M., Hadipour E., Filla M., Kiabi B.H., Bleyhl B., Ghoddousi A., Balkenhol N., Andrew Royle N., Pavey C.R., Khorozyan I., Waltert M. 2022. Quantifying the relationship between prey density, livestock and illegal killing of leopards. Journal of Applied Ecology 59:1536–1547.

Soofi M., Qashqaei A., Trei J.-N., Shokri S. Selyari J., Ghasemi B., Sepahvand P., Egli L., Nezami B., Zamani N., Yusefi G.H., Kiabi B.H., Balkenhol N., Royle A., Pavey C.R., Redpath S.M., Waltert M. 2022. A novel application of hierarchical modelling to decouple sampling artifacts from socio-ecological effects on poaching intensity. Biological Conservation 267: 109488 (Online).

Soofi M., Soufi M., Royle A., Waltert M., Khorozyan I. 2022. Numbers and presence of guarding dogs affect wolf and leopard predation on livestock in northeastern Iran. Basic And Applied Ecology 64: 147-156

Soofi M., Khorozyan I., Ghasemi B. 2022. Coexistence between leopards and local people – challenges and solutions. Catnews Special Issue 15: 50-56.

Spatz T., Katzenberger J., Friess N., Gelpke C., Gottschalk E., Hormann M. Koschkar S., Pfeiffer T., Stübing S., Sudfeldt C., Rösner S., Schabo D.G., Farwig N. 2022. Sex, landscape diversity and primary productivity shape the seasonal space use of a migratory European raptor. Journal of Avian Biology e02925 (Online).

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Ahmadpour M., Shokri S., Varasteh-Moradi H., Waltert M., Khorozyan I., Soofi M. 2021. The occurrence of the rare corsac fox (Vulpes corsac) in Iran is mainly determined by prey presence and land use. Journal of Arid Environments 189: 104475.

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Bleyhl B., Ghoddousi A., Askerov E., Bocedi G., Breitenmoser U., Manvelyan K., Palmer S.C.F., Soofi M., Weinberg P., Zazanashvili N., Shmunk V., Zurell D., Kuemmerle T. 2021. Reducing persecution is more effective for restoring large carnivores than restoring their prey. Ecological Applications 31: e02338.

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Donald P.F., Kamp J., Green R.E., Urazaliyev R., Koshkin M., Sheldon R. 2021. Migration strategy, site fidelity and population size of the globally threatened Sociable Lapwing Vanellus gregarius. Journal of Ornithology 162: 349–362. [Blog]

Farhadinia M.S., Rostro-Garcia S., Feng L., Kamler J.F., Spalton A., Shevtsova E., Khorozyan I., Al-Duais M., Ge J. and Macdonald D.W. 2021. Big cats in borderlands: challenges and implications for transboundary conservation of Asian leopards. Oryx 55: 452–460.

Filla M., Lama R.P., Ghale T.R., Signer J., Filla T., Aryal R.R., Heurich M., Waltert M., Balkenhol N., Khorozyan I. 2021. In the shadows of snow leopards and the Himalayas: density and habitat selection of blue sheep in Manang, Nepal. Ecology and Evolution 11: 108–122.

Freitag M., Kamp J., Dara A., Kuemmerle T., Sidorova T.V., Stirnemann I.A., Velbert F., Hölzel N. 2021. Post-Soviet shifts in fire and grazing regimes changed the functional plant community composition on the Eurasian steppe. Global Change Biology 27: 388–401. Media Coverage: [BBC]

Ghoddousi A., Buchholtz E.K., Dietsch A.M., Williamson M.A., Sharma S., Balkenhol N., Kuemmerle T., Dutta T. 2021. Anthropogenic resistance: accounting for human behavior in wildlife connectivity planning. One Earth 4: 39–48. [Press Release]

Heim, R., Bucharova, A., Brodt, L., Kamp, J., Rieker, D., Soromotin, A.V., Yurtaev, A., Hölzel, N. 2021. Post-fire vegetation succession in the Siberian subarctic tundra over 45 years. Science of the Total Environment 760:143425.

Heim W., Chan S., Hölzel N., Ktitorov P., Mischenko A., Kamp, J. 2021. East Asian buntings: Ongoing illegal trade and encouraging conservation responses. Conservation Science and Practice 3: e405.

Hertzog L.R., Frank C., Klimek S., Röder N., Böhner H.G.S., Kamp J. 2021. Model‐based integration of citizen science data from disparate sources increases the precision of bird population trends. Diversity and Distributions 27: 1106–1119.

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Husemann, M., Rajaei, H., Saboori, A., Zahiri, R., Yusefi, Gh.H., Soofi, M., Elisabeth Haring, Joger, U. 2021. Editorial: Special issue on Iran's zoological biodiversity. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 59: 1515.

Kamp J., Frank C., Trautmann S., Busch M., Dröschmeister R., Flade, M., Gerlach B., Karthäuser J., Kunz, F., Mitschke, A., Schwarz, J., Sudfeldt C. 2021. Population trends of common breeding birds in Germany 1990-2018. Journal of Ornithology 162: 1–15

Katzenberger J., Gottschalk E., Balkenhol N. Waltert M. 2021. Density‐dependent age of first reproduction as a key factor for population dynamics: stable breeding populations mask strong floater declines in a long‐lived raptor. Animal Conservation 24: 862–875.

Kely M.R., Kouakou C.Y., Béné J.C.K., Tiedoué M.R., Diarrasouba A., Tondossama A., Kuehl H.S., Waltert M. 2021. Research and tourism affect positively the occupancy pattern of Loxodonta cyclotis (Elephantidae) in Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire. Nature Conservation Research 6: 68–77.

Khorozyan I. 2021. Dealing with false positive risk as an indicator of misperceived effectiveness of conservation interventions. PLoS ONE 16: e0255784.

Khorozyan I. 2021. Setting statistical thresholds is useful to define truly effective conservation interventions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 657423.

Khorozyan I., Ananian V., Malkhasyan A. 2021. No longer regionally extinct: a review of Pallas’s cat Otocolobus manul records from the Caucasus with a new record from Armenia (Mammalia: Felidae). Zoology in the Middle East 67: 12–18.

Khorozyan I., Waltert M. 2021. A global view on evidence-based effectiveness of interventions used to protect livestock from wild cats. Conservation Science and Practice 3:e317.

Li X., Wang Y., Luo Y., Wen J., Li H., Gottschalk E., Settele J., Schweiger O. 2021. Opportunities to improve China’s biodiversity protection laws. Nature Ecology and Evolution 5: 726–732.

Morrison C.A., Auniņš A., Benkő Z., Brotons L., Chodkiewicz T., Chylarecki P., Escandell V., Eskildsen D.P., Gamero A., Herrando S., Jiguet F., Kålås J. A., Kamp J., Klvaňová A., Kmecl P., Lehikoinen A., Lindström, Å., Moshøj C., Noble D. G., Øien I. J., Paquet J-Y., Reif J., Sattler T., Seaman B.S., Teufelbauer N., Trautmann S., van Turnhout C.A.M., Vořišek P., Butler S.J. 2021. Bird population declines and species turnover are changing the acoustic properties of spring soundscapes. Nature Communications 12: 6217.

Ordaz-Németh I., Sop T., Amarasekaran B., Bachmann M., Boesch C., Brncic T., Caillaud D., Campbell G., Carvalho J., Chancellor R., Davenport T.R.B., Dowd D., Eno-Nku M., Ganas-Swaray J., Granier N., Greengrass E., Heinicke S., Herbinger I., Inkamba-Nkulu C., Iyenguet F., Junker J., Bobo K.S., Lushimba A., Maisels F., Malanda G.A.F., McCarthy M.S., Motsaba P., Moustgaard J., Murai M., Ndoukoue B., Nixon S., Nseme R.A., Nzooh Z., Pintea L., Plumptre A.J., Roy J., Rundus A., Sanderson J., Serckx A., Strindberg S., Tweh C., Vanleeuwe H., Vosper A., Waltert M., Williamson E.A., Wilson M., Mundry R., Kühl H.S. 2021. Range-wide indicators of African great ape density distribution. American Journal of Primatology 83:e23338

Pagel C.D., Waltert M., Scheer M., Lück M. 2021. Swimming with wild orcas in Norway: killer whale behaviours addresses towards snorkelers and divers in an unregulated whale watching market. Pp. 77-97 In: Lück M., Liu C. (eds.) A kaleidoscope of tourism research: insights from the International Competence Network of Tourism Research and Education (ICNT). Peter Lang, Berlin, 296 pp.

Pangau-Adam M., Slowik J., Waltert M. 2021. Negative effects of logging on bird dispersed trees in northern Papuan lowland forest. Tropical Conservation Science 14:1–9

Port M., Henkelmann A., Schröder F., Waltert M., Middelhoff L., Anders O., Jokisch S. 2021. Rise and fall of a Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) stepping-stone population in central Germany. Mammal Research 66: 45–55.

Prishchepov A.V., Myachina Ks. V., Kamp J., Smelansky I., Dubrovskaya S., Ryakhov R., Grudinin D., Yakovlev I., Urazaliev R. 2021. Multiple trajectories of grassland fragmentation, degradation and recovery in Russia's steppes. Land Degradation and Development 32: 3220–3235.

Püttmanns M., Balkenhol N., Filla T., Görlich A., Roeles F., Waltert M., Gottschalk E. 2021. Avoidance of high-risk linear structures by Skylarks in the early breeding season and implications for conservation management. Journal of Ornithology 162:307–312

Reinhold N., Wobker J., Schröder T., Kemnade C., Bobo K.S., Waltert M. 2021. Confirmation of strong declines of grey parrots in the Korup region, Cameroon, between 2002 and 2016. African Journal of Ecology 59: 561-565

Sheludkov A., Kamp J., Müller D. 2021. Decreasing labor intensity in agriculture and the accessibility of major cities shape the rural population decline in postsocialist Russia. Eurasian Geography and Economics 62: 481–506.

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