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Alvafritz L, Hertel D (2024) Impacts of land use history on leaf litter input, chemical composition, decomposition and related nutrient cycling in young and old secondary tropical lowland rainforests (Sumatra, Indonesia). PLANT SOIL 495: 359-370

Audisio M, Sennhenn-Reulen H, Schott I, Paligi S, Mrak K, Hertel D, Leuschner C, Polle A (2024) Mycorrhization, root tip vitality and biomass of Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies and Pseudotsuga menziesii in monospecific and mixed combinations under water reduction and nitrogen addition. TREES-STRUCT FUNCT 38: 695-708

Chakkour S, Bergmeier E, Meyer S, Houssni M, Kadaoui K, Sahli A, Kassout J, Ater M (2024) Arid agroecosystem plant diversity results from habitat-specific traditional management. FLORA 313: 1-12, doi:

Diers M, Leuschner C, Dulamsuren C, Schulz T, Weigel R (2024) Increasing Winter Temperatures Stimulate Scots Pine Growth in the North German Lowlands Despite Stationary Sensitivity to Summer Drought. ECOSYSTEMS 27: 428-442

Enderle L, Gribbe S, Muffler L, Weigel R, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2024) A warmer climate impairs the growth performance of Central Europe's major timber species in lowland regions. SCI TOTAL ENVIRON 941: 173665, doi:

Glaser M, Dullinger S, Moser D, Wessely J, Chytrý M, Lososová Z, Axmanová I, Berg C, Bürger J, Buholzer S, Buldrini F, Chiarucci A, Follak S, Küzmič F, Meyer S, Pyšek P, Richner N, Šilc U, Steinkellner S, Wietzke A, Essl F (2024) Pronounced turnover of vascular plant species in Central European arable fields over 90 years. AGR ECOSYST ENVIRON 361: 108798, doi:

Gribbe S, Enderle L, Weigel R, Hertel D, Leuschner C, Muffler L (2024) Recent growth decline and shifts in climatic growth constraints suggest climate vulnerability of beech, Douglas fir, pine and oak in Northern Germany. FOREST ECOL MANAG 566: 122022, doi:

Guillen-Otero T, Lee SJ, Hertel D, Kessler M (2024) Facultative mycorrhization in a fern (Struthiopteris spicant L. Weiss) is bound to light intensity. PLANT BIOLOGY 24: 103, doi:

Guillen-Otero T, Hertel D, Quintanilla L, Lehnert M, Schmid M, Kharazishvili D, Fawcett S, Kessler M (2024) Comparative analysis of mycorrhizal communities associated with Struthiopteris spicant (L.) Weiss across Europe and North America. FRONT PLANT SCI 15: 1402946, doi:

Knollová I, Chytrý M, Bruelheide H, Dullinger S, Jandt U, Bernhardt-Römermann M, Biurrun I, Bello F, Leuschner C, Meyer S, Essl F, et al. (2024) ReSurveyEurope: A database of resurveyed vegetation plots in Europe. J VEG SCI 35: e13235, doi:

Kurjak D, Petrík P, Konôpková A, Link R, Gömöry D, Hajek P, Liesebach M, Leuschner C, Schuldt B (2024) Inter-provenance variability and phenotypic plasticity of wood and leaf traits related to hydraulic safety and efficiency in seven European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) provenances differing in yield. ANN FOREST SCI 81: 11, doi:

Leifsson C, Buras A, Klesse S, Leuschner C, Weigel R, et al. (2024) Identifying drivers of non-stationary climate-growth relationships of European beech. SCI TOTAL ENVIRON 937: 173321, doi:

Leuschner C (2024) Trockenstress- und Hitzeempfindlichkeit wichtiger Baumarten – Vitalität von Norddeutschlands Wäldern im Klimawandel. Berichte der Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft 32: 133-156

Leuschner C, Fuchs S, Wedde P, Rüther E, Schuldt B (2024) A multi-criteria drought resistance assessment of temperate Acer, Carpinus, Fraxinus, Quercus, and Tilia species. PERSPECT PLANT ECOL 62: 125777, doi:

Leuschner C, Lott S, Schmitz A, Wellinghoff J, Komainda M, Isselstein J (2024) Plant species richness in intensively managed temperate wet grasslands: current state and the importance of edge habitats. BIODIVERS CONSERV 33: 3275-3294

Loguercio G, Simon A, Neri Winter A, Ivancich H, Reiter E, Caselli M, Heinzle F, Leuschner C, Walentowski H (2024) Carbon density and sequestration in the temperate forests of northern Patagonia, Argentina. FRONT FOR GLOB CHANG 7: 1373187, doi:

Meyer S, Stieglitz A, Kreppold A, Fiedler J, Schertler K (2024) Es blüht im Bio-Getreide – Umfangreiche Kartierungen unterstreichen Ackerwildkraut-Potenzial von Bioäckern in Bayern. ANLiegen Natur 46(1): 51-62

Mroncz A, Isselstein J, Komainda M, Leuschner C (2024) Microtopography causes small-scale variation in harvest and forage quality of high-yielding silage grassland in northern Germany. Grassland Res 3(1): 33-42

Muffler L, Weigel R, Beil I, Leuschner C, Schmeddes J, Kreyling J (2024) Winter and spring frost events delay leaf-out, hamper growth and increase mortality in European beech seedlings, with weaker effects of subsequent frosts. ECOL EVOL 14(7): e70028, doi:

Müller M, Leuschner C, Weithmann G, Weigel R, Banzragch BE, Steiner W, Gailing O (2024) A genome-wide genetic association study reveals SNPs significantly associated with environmental variables and specific leaf area in European beech. PHYSIOL PLANTARUM 176(3): e14334, doi: 10.1111/ppl.14334

Paligi SS, Lichter J, Kotowska M, Schwutke RL, Audisio M, Mrak K, Penanhoat A, Schuldt B, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2024) Water status dynamics and drought tolerance of juvenile European beech, Douglas fir and Norway spruce trees as dependent on neighborhood and nitrogen supply. TREE PHYSIOL 44 (5): tpae044

Pierick K, Leuschner C, Link R, Báez S, Velescu A, Wilcke W, Homeier J (2024) Above- and belowground strategies of tropical montane tree species are coordinated and driven by small-scale nitrogen availability. FUNCT ECOL 38(6): 1364-1377, doi:

Reiter E, Weigel R, Walentowski H, Loguercio G, Fierke J, Winter A, Simon A, Kotowska M, Joelson N, Caselli M, Leuschner C (2024) Climate vulnerability of Nothofagus pumilio, Nothofagus dombeyi and Austrocedrus chilensis in northern Patagonia’s temperate forests. FOREST ECOL MANAG 572: 122261, doi:

Rüther E, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2024) Intraspecific variation in fine root morphology of European beech: a root order-based analysis of phenotypic root morphospace. OECOLOGIA 205: 121-133

Schumann K, Schuldt B, Fischer M, Ammer C, Leuschner C (2024) Xylem safety in relation to the stringency of plant water potential regulation of European beech, Norway spruce and Douglas-fir trees during severe drought. TREES-STRUCT FUNCT 38: 607-623, doi: 10.1007/s00468-024-02499-5

Solé M, Brendel S, Aldrich A, Dauber J, Ewald J, Duquesne S, Gottschalk E, Hoffmann J, Kuemmerlen M, Leake A, Matezki S, Meyer S, Nabel M, Natal-da-Luz T, Pieper S, Piselli D, Rigal S, Roß-Nickoll M, Schäffer A, Settele J, Sigmund G, Sotherton N, Wogram J, Messner D (2024) Assessing in-field pesticide effects under European regulation and its implications for biodiversity: a workshop report. Environ Sci Eur 36: 153, doi:

Sutcliffe LME, Schellenberg J, Meyer S, Leuschner C (2024) Close to the edge: Spatial variation in plant diversity, biomass and floral resources in conventional and agri‐environment cereal fields. J APPL ECOL 61 (9): 2075-2086, doi:

Warneke R, Herzberg C, Weiß M, Schramm T, Hertel D, Link H, Stülke J (2024) DarA-the central processing unit for the integration of osmotic with potassium and amino acid homeostasis in Bacillus subtilis. J BACTERIOL 206(7): e0019024, doi: 10.1128/jb.00190-24