The Department of Livestock Sciences (DNTW) deals with all aspects of husbandry, nutrition, breeding and hygiene of farm animals, including aquaculture. The research approaches range from application-oriented work based on experiments or field studies on practical farms to basic research in molecular biology. The aim of the research activities is to use innovative research approaches to help ensure that products of animal origin of outstanding quality and product safety can be produced using efficient, resource-saving and animal-friendly production methods. In addition to research in Lower Saxony and Germany, many of the department's divisions are also involved in international research collaborations and research projects in tropical and subtropical locations.

Current research projects:

The aim of the project is to develop a method for separating X- and Y-chromosomal sperm in bovine ejaculates by inhibiting specific surface receptors. The impairment of the swimming properties of the X-linked sperm should make it possible to remove them from the ejaculate in order to predict the sex of the calves after artificial insemination.

In the joint research project “FuLaWi”, we are investigating how foliage can be used as alternative feed source for sheep and goats. As part of our work package, we are examining how tree foliage can be preserved through ensiling and how a higher proportion of shoots, which can be expected after mechanical foliage harvest, affects overall feed quality. The focus of our investigation will be on foliage from willow and poplar species.

Herbs like Plantago have been receiving increasing interest as an integral part of pastures recently. This is linked to characteristics like high drought resistance and their potential to increase biodiversity. When being used as forage for ruminants, they have further interesting features like the potential to decrease enteral methane emissions The project intends to investigate characteristics of herbs as ruminant forage.

The project aims to optimise the „pig“ value chain through the use of UHF RFID technology and a central online platform for data exchange between players. The aim is transparent, data-based process control that improves quality, sustainability and flavour (e.g. by measuring the intramuscular fat content). This strengthens differentiation and competitiveness through smart networking of all stakeholders.

Ziel des Projekts ist es, eine einfache und das Tierwohl begünstigende Methode zur Bestimmung der Proteinnutzungseffizienz bei Masthühnern und Schweinen zu verbessern. Die Proteinnutzungseffizienz ist eine der bedeutendsten Kennzahlen der Proteinversorgung von Nutztieren und drückt aus, welcher Anteil des eingesetzten Futterproteins als Protein in tierischem Lebensmittel übergeht.
Zur Projektseite
The ÖkoGen project is concerned with the characterisation of local chicken breeds and their crossbreeding with broiler and layer lines to increase performance. The cross-breeds were established in the joint project ‘RegioHuhn’ and are to be tested for their suitability for sustainable poultry production under the conditions of organic farming. The investigations focus on animal health and welfare (e.g. resistance to endoparasites and viruses, bone stability, behaviour), growth and laying performance as well as the product quality of meat and eggs and consumer acceptance. The project also evaluates strategies for needs-based feeding under the conditions of organic farming and includes breeding planning aspects as well as the development of corresponding breeding programmes.
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Das Projekt verfolgt das Ziel, Grundlagen zu schaffen um den Rohproteingehalt im Futter für Masthühner bei bedarfsdeckender Versorgung mit Aminosäuren absenken zu können. Dies ermöglicht es, ohne Einschränkung des Tierwohls die globale Nahrungsverfügbarkeit zu steigern und negative Auswirkungen von Emissionen aus der Tierhaltung zu reduzieren. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf der Bedeutung der Aminosäuren Glutamin und Asparagin bei hohen Anteilen an freien Aminosäuren im Futter.
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Kurztext (Englisch): The project aims to research into the consumption-side potential of local legumes and develop target group-specific strategies that are compatible with existing nutritional practices. To this end, an interdisciplinary approach is being taken to aspects of promoting a legume-rich, environmentally friendly diet. This includes the identification of target group-specific drivers and barriers to legume consumption. All aspects will ultimately be used to develop target group-orientated communication and marketing strategies, including advertising and distribution measures.

Das Projekt ÖkoGen befasst sich mit der Charakterisierung von lokalen Hühnerrassen und deren Gebrauchskreuzungen ihren Einkreuzung von Mast- und Legelinien zur Leistungssteigerung. Die Gebrauskreuzungen wurden im Verbundprojekt "RegioHuhn" etabliert und sollen auf ihre Eignung zur nachhaltigen Geflügelproduktion unter den Bedingungen des ökologischen Landbaus überprüft werden. Im Fokus der Untersuchungen stehen Tiergesundheit & Tierschutz (z.B. Resistenz gegen Endoparasiten und Viren, Knochenstabilität, Verhalten), Wachstums- und Legeleistung sowie die Produktqualität von Fleisch und Eiern sowie Verbraucherakzeptanz. Das Projekt evaluiert zudem Strategien für eine bedarfsgerechte Fütterung unter den Bedingungen des ökologischen Landbaus und beinhaltet zuchtplanerische Aspekte sowie die Entwicklung entsprechender Zuchtprogramme.
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