Study organisation


On this page you can find the latest information provided by the degree programme.

Mailing list

There is a mailing list for students of the programme to keep you informed about events, projects, current changes and dates. If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please register here. You will receive a confirmation email when the administrator has activated your email address.

Practical tips on organising your studies

If you want to know
- which modules you still have to complete
- whether an examination has already been registered in Flex Now
- where you can find suitable courses for the modules you are missing
take a look at the introduction to course registration.

Dates and deadlines

Here you will be informed/you can find all information about (all) important dates and deadlines in the current and coming semester.

Study plans

For better planning of your studies, we recommend you to take into account the study plans.

Course offer

You can find the courses offered on the World Literature degree programme in the course catalogue in the section >>Philosophische Fakultät >> Weltliteratur.
Make sure you select the correct semester before clicking through the tree!

Module directory

For students enrolled up to and including winter semester 2023, the module directory dated 26 October 2023 is binding.
For students enrolled from the winter semester 2024 onwards, the module directory dated 6 August 2024 is binding.


The regulations on the admission requirements for the degree programme, the General Examination Regulations (APO) and the Study and Examination Regulations for the World Literature degree programme can be found under the following link.
For students enrolled up to and including winter semester 2023, the Study and Examination Regulations (PStO) dated 24 October 2023 is valid.
For students enrolled from the winter semester 2024 onwards, the Study and Examination Regulations (PStO) dated 30 July 2024 is valid.


If you have any problems registering for exams, please contact the programme coordinator (contact on the right).

Please also submit applications for recognition of external and internal examinations to the programme coordinator.

Students always have the right to receive feedback on their exams results. Take advantage of this opportunity, especially if your exam did not turn out as expected.

Format guidelines for seminar papers

Here you will find hints, tips and guidelines for writing papers in literary studies.

Bachelor’s thesis

Here we have compiled some information for you on registering and writing your Bachelor’s thesis. For formatting and layout tips, please refer to the guidelines for writing papers in literary studies. Further information can also be found in the information sheet on applying for admission to the final paper for a Bachelor of Arts degree programme by the faculty.


An internship in the cultural or literary industry not only offers an insight into future fields of work, but is often also a good springboard for a future career. We are expressly in favour of your internship project. There are several key competence modules in our degree programme for which a successfully completed internship is an examination component. If you need confirmation from the university that the internship is part of your studies for your internship application, please contact the programme coordinator.

Reading lists

Here you will find a reading list with basic texts of world literature, which are recommended as preliminary knowledge, as well as further reading recommendations of the participating subjects of study.