The subject Comparative Literature does not have its own Erasmus partnerships. However, you can access the possibility of doing an Erasmus semester through other subjects and departments belonging to the Faculty of Humanities. The application for Erasmus is done via the platform ‘moveOn’ by Göttingen International. For more information please visit The following departments lend themselves especially well for a semester abroad – given that there are enough places.
German Philology
Contact Person
Carolin Blume & Bianca Rees (
Partner schools
Belgien: Gent
Dänemark: København
Finnland: Åbo, Tampere, Turku
Frankreich: Besancon, Clermont-Ferrand, Marseille, Paris, Reims, Rouen
Irland: Dublin, Maynooth
Italien: Bergamo, Napoli, Pisa, Trieste, Venezia
Niederlande: Groningen
Österreich: Wien
Polen: Torun, Wroclaw, Zielona Góra, Poznan
Rumänien: Iaşi
Slowakei: Bratislava
Slowenien: Maribor
Spanien: Sevilla
Tschechien: Usti Nad Labem
Türkei: Ankara
UK: Liverpool
Ungarn: Szeged
English Philology
Contact Person
Dr. Gordon Charles Ross (
Partner schools
Irland: Cork, Maynooth
Polen: Warszaw
Portugal: Lissabon
UK: London, Reading
Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology
Contact Person
Dr. Stefanie Mallon (
Partner schools
Estland: Tartu
Frankreich: Nancy
Island: Reykjavik
Lettland: Riga
Österreich: Graz, Wien
Spanien: Barcelona
Tschechien: Prag
Türkei: Istanbul
Ungarn: Szeged
Art History
Contact Person
Dr. des. Jana August (
Partner schools
Frankreich: Marseille, Paris
Italien: Venedig
Spanien: Barcelona
Tschechien: Olomouc
Contact Person
Dr. Stefan Klingner (
Partner schools
Italien: Milan
Österreich: Wien
Spanien: Madrid, Barcelona
Türkei: Kadiköy
UK: Southhampton
Romance Studies/Philology
Contact Person
apl. Prof. Dr. Annette Paatz (
Prof. Dr. Franziska Meier (
Mélanie Dijoux (
Joaquim Peito M.A. (
Partner schools
Belgien: Leuven, Liège
Frankreich: Marseille, Paris, Caen, Pau, Amiens, Rouen, Strasbourg, Tours, Créteil, Rennes
Italien: Cagliari, Catania, Ferrara, Napoli, Pavia, Roma, Siena, Torino, Venezia, Verona
Spanien: Alcalá de Henares, Alicante, Almería, Granada, Jaén, León, Lleida, Madrid, Murcia, Oviedo, Palma de Mallorca, Santiago de Compostela, Sevilla, València, Vigo, Zaragoza
Portugal: Braga, Lissabon
Skandinavian Studies
Contact Person
Dr. Elisabeth Romare (
Partner schools
Dänemark: Århus
Island: Reykjavik
Norwegen: Oslo, Bergen, Kristiansand, Trondheim
Schweden: Umeå, Göteborg, Kalmar & Växjö
Slavic Philology
Contact Person
Hagen Pitsch (
Partner schools
Bulgarien: Plovdiv, Sofia, Veliko Tarnovo
Kroatien: Zadar, Zagreb
Lettland: Daugavpils
Polen: Kraków, Krosnie, Poznan, Warszawa
Tschechien: Brno, Olomouc
You can find a complete list of all Erasmus contact persons on this website: Ansprechpartner für die Austauschprogramme anderer Fachbereiche.
All institutes can accept students from other subjects, so long as none of their own students apply for the place. Furthermore, the respective institute at the partner school must declare that it is willing to deal with students from other subjects and permit them to take courses suitable for Comparative Literature.
All questions should be dealt with on the grounds of a specific case. Students should be quick to contact their respective advisers or the person responsible for their desired destination. All further regulations, like language requirements are noted on the respective websites of the institutes.