Center for Integrated Breeding Research (CiBreed)

Zentrum für Integrierte Züchtungsforschung

Our mission is to improve agriculture and forestry and advance scientific discovery by enabling research and teaching across all branches of crop, tree, and animal breeding. We strive to achieve this by building a strong and collaborative community of scientists and experts representing public and private institutions, all career stages, and using synergies across all branches of breeding.

Our News

5th CiBreed Fall Workshop - October 11 and 12, 2023

We would like to thank all participant of the 5th CiBreed workshops for their excellent presentations, posters, and lively discussions that made the workshop a great success. We hope to welcome you again next year.

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Due to various circumstances, the CiBreed Executive Board has had to decide that it will not be possible to hold the annual CiBreed workshop in 2024. We very much regret that we will not be able to welcome you this year in Göttingen. Nevertheless, please remain with us and sign up for the CiBreed Newsletter to keep up to date with the latest CiBreed developments and activities.

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New CiBreed Newsletter published!

Download the CiBreed Newsletter April 2024 here

Useful Links

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Managing Director

Prof. Dr. Stefan Scholten
Von-Siebold-Str. 8, Raum 1.119
D - 37075 Göttingen
Phone:+49 (0) 551-39 24295


Dr. Liane Schulz-Streeck
Büsgenweg 5
37077 Gottingen
Phone:+49 (0) 551-39 25720