Mathematisches Institut

Mathematisches Institut

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  • Participants from Göttingen at the International Mathematics Olympiad

    Four participants from Lower Saxony will be represented in the 6-person team of the Federal Republic of Germany at the upcoming International Mathematics Olympiad. The Education and Talent Association published this result of the final selection round on May 16 (press release).

    We warmly congratulate them on this great success. All four from Lower Saxony qualified for the national round at the last state round of the competition in Göttingen. The trainer for the challenge was in particular our alumnus Dr. Christian Bernert in the Mathematics Olympiad Association in Lower Saxony MO-Ni. We warmly congratulate him on this success. We are particularly pleased that two participants, Paul Jakob Schmidt from Osterode and Vera Lavrova from Göttingen, come directly from our region and were able to benefit from various support measures at their schools, the MO-Ni and the "Saturday University" for young students at the Mathematical Institute in Mathematics.

  • Alumnus Anselm Knebusch wins this year's Ars legendi Faculty Prize for Mathematics
  • Dorothea Schlözer Programme "Career promotion of female scientists"
  • Archive