Elisa Bayer

Elisa Bayer studied organic agriculture at the University of Kassel/Witzenhausen and completed her Bachelor's and Master's degrees there. The core topics of her studies were in the areas of sustainable food production, the marketing of agricultural products and species-appropriate livestock husbandry. She wrote her Master's thesis on the topic of animal welfare indicators for young and laying hens with the title: "Creation of an evaluation framework for animal welfare indicators for the production direction of young and laying hens based on a literature review".
Since February 2020, she has been working as a doctoral student in the project "Verbesserung der gesellschaftlichen Akzeptanz ökologischer Tierhaltungssysteme - Analyse gesellschaftlicher Erwartungen und Entwicklung von Konzepten des Vertrauensmarketings". Her activities at the department include the planning, implementation and evaluation of the individual project steps as well as the writing of scientific publications and research reports.

Research focus:

  • Reputational risks of organic livestock farming
    • Social perception of organic animal husbandry
      • Marketing of organic animal food

      • Research project:

        Developing solutions for the regional value chain North Sea crab
        The research and development project aims to identify solutions for a regional value chain for brown shrimp fisheries and to evaluate them with regard to their sustainability (ecological, economic, social) according to scientific criteria and standards. For this purpose, both technical and organizational questions, e.g. regional, mechanical peeling using innovative technology in comparison to other technical solutions, as well as organizational questions (regarding marketing channels, efficiency of alternatives or necessary logistics) are analyzed.
        The reflection of regional peeling requires comprehensive research on consumer expectations and acceptance of the resulting products and the brown shrimp fishery. The aim of the market analysis sub-project (work package 5) is therefore to identify expectations in the product chain and society and link them to possible products of a regional brown shrimp production. In the process, more sustainable distribution channels and innovative forms of marketing for brown shrimp are to be analyzed.

        "Verbesserung der gesellschaftlichen Akzeptanz ökologischer Tierhaltungssysteme"
        Against the background of the social debate about the future of livestock farming in Germany, it is becoming increasingly clear that livestock farming is facing considerable, necessary innovation steps. However, this can only be achieved if the products produced also find a market outlet. Regional initiatives can be a driver of sustainable development. Within the framework of the research project, innovative marketing concepts for products from sustainable, regional livestock farming will be designed and analyzed as an example in southern Lower Saxony. The project is funded by the state of Lower Saxony.

        Master thesis:

        • Preparation of an assessment framework for animal welfare indicators of the production direction pullets and laying hens based on a literature review