About Us
Welcome to the section for teaching and learning in higher education
On these pages you can get to know our team and our field of work.- In addition to information on the profiles of our team members , you will also find an overview of who is responsible for which area and who you can contact with your concerns.
- Our work is characterized by projects and collaborationswith institutions within and outside our university. We would like to introduce these to you.
- You can find the most important information in compact form here and in our FAQ.
- We work closely with our trainers to design an appealing program each semester that is tailored to the needs of Göttingen's teaching staff. Get to know our trainers better via short profiles.
- Most of our offers take place in our rooms at Waldweg 26. Here you can find out how to find us .

(v.l.n.r. Matthias Wiemer, Susanne Wimmelmann, Eva- Maria van Straaten, Simone Gerlach (bis 30.11.2023), Lisa Meißner (geb. Korn) und Angelika Thielsch)