Courses in the winter semester 2024/2025



  • Interdisciplinary forensics seminar (Prof. Alexander Baur and Prof. Jürgen L. Müller)
    The seminar takes up a Göttingen tradition of interdisciplinary teaching and approaches psychiatric and legal questions of (therapeutic) care for mentally ill offenders. In a weekly reading phase with six sessions, the legal starting points (Baur) and medical basics (Müller) are first worked out together in the seminar. This is followed by a clinical block phase at the Asklepios Clinic for Forensic Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in Göttingen. During this block phase, students are given access to the Göttinger Maßregelvollzug. Patient contact is to be made possible.
    There are no more places available.

  • Resocialization after prison (Prof. Alexander Baur and Elena Schaffeld)
    In 2019, the “Hamburg Resocialization and Victims Act” came into force in Hamburg. One of the aims of this law is to make it easier for prisoners to transition from prison to life in freedom and to avoid reoffending. Between 2022 and 2024, the Chair evaluated this law and in particular the “transition management” provided for therein from a legal perspective. The prisoners' perspective on transition management was not specifically surveyed. This is to be made up for in a research-related seminar. First of all, the basics of resocialization after imprisonment will be worked out together in weekly reading sessions. In a second section, methods of empirical social research will be taught. In January 2025, the students taking part in the seminar will then conduct interviews with prisoners in Hamburg prisons under the close supervision of members of the department, which they will then evaluate and discuss together. There are no more places available.

  • „… and nobody thinks about the victim?“ – The victim of crime in criminology, criminal law and criminal procedure law (Prof. Dr. Tillmann Bartsch)
    This seminar focuses on the victims of crime. Among other things, it will ask what is actually meant by the term victim of a crime, what consequences crimes can have for victims, what support and assistance services exist and what (criminal procedural) rights victims have after the crime. Both legal and criminological/victimological topics are therefore covered. There are no more places available.