
The teaching of the Division Quality and Sensory of Plant Products has a particularly important function as a link between disciplines due to its position at the interface between agricultural producers, processors of plant products and consumers. Quality formation in the value chain from cultivation to post-harvest treatment, processing, marketing and consumption is in the interplay between plant physiology, economics, sustainability, food chemistry, food technology and nutritional physiology. The expectations and needs of consumers are at the center of attention. These particularly diverse concerns are reflected in the courses offered by the Division of Quality and Sensory of Plant Products.

In teaching, accents are set in research-oriented teaching and learning, i.e. didactic approaches are chosen in which the focus is less on the reception of learned knowledge and more on active participation in the process of gaining it. The focus is on the development of concepts for research-oriented and experimental bachelor and master theses in this experimental subject. However, research on the topics dealt with is also increasingly included in courses with rising qualification levels. The aim is:

  • to inspire students for research at an early stage of their studies
  • to create a link between the learning cycle and the research process

Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the lecture contents, some of the lectures are held in cooperation with colleagues from other divisions, affiliated institutes and non-university institutions.

B.Agr.0334: Qualität pflanzlicher Produkte
B.Agr.0352: Übungen zur Produktqualität pflanzlicher Erzeugnisse
B.Agr.0319: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Präsentieren in der Pflanzenproduktion (WAP)
B.Agr.0384: Grundlagen der Lebensmittelsensorik und des Sensorikmarketings
B.Agr.0426: Methodische Grundlagen für empirische Forschung im Agribusiness

M.Agr.0025: Kartoffelproduktion
M.Agr.0064: Qualitätsbildung in pflanzlichen Produkten
M Agr.0065 Qualitätsbildung und Nacherntetechnologie pflanzlicher Produkte entlang der Wertschöpfungskette
M.Agr.0081: Verarbeitung pflanzlicher Produkte
M.Agr.0035: Methodisches Arbeiten: Interdisziplinäres Seminar
M.SIA.I06M: Exercise on the quality of tropical and subtropical products
M.Agr. 0117: Lebensmittelsensorik und Konsumentenforschung

PAG 0046: Spezielle Methoden der Qualitätsbeurteilung (Available in English on request)
PAG 0071: Wertschöpfungskette und gesunde Ernährung (Available in English on request)

Further information can be found in the module catalogues.