BEST Exchange Summer Schools

Jährliche Summer Schools auf dem Göttinger Campus (2021-2024)

BEST Exchange offers student teachers from the University of Göttingen and our partner universities the opportunity to participate in a 2-week summer school on the Göttingen campus on current topics in the context of teaching and school.

BEST Exchange Summer School

2021-2024 an annual Summer School on a current topic of teacher education will take place in Göttingen. Students from Göttingen and the 4 partner universities can participate.

2021 Virtual Exchange

The 1st BEST Exchange Summer School took place from 07-20.08.2021 took place online due to Corona. The participants got input from international experts on the topic of virtual exchange for school teaching and develop their own exchange project in international teams.

This is what our students say about the 2021 summer school.

2022 Education for Sustainable Development

The 2nd BEST Exchange Summer School will take place from 02nd until 14th July 2022. Student teachers (Bachelor and Master) from all universities are invited to come to Göttingen to learn more about this important topic from experts in research and practice. To learn more on this important topic and to work on their own project in international teams.

2023 Digital Competences for Future Teachers

The 3rd BEST Exchange Summer School will take place from 05-18/08/2023. 15 student teachers from European partner universities will come to Göttingen to exchange ideas about the digital demands on teachers today.

2024 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Teacher Education

The fourth and final BEST Exchange Summer School will take place from August 10 to August 21, 2024. Participants from Brazil, Estonia, Ireland, and Germany will join workshops with local teachers and international researchers and lecturers, working together in international small groups to develop joint teaching projects. The content focus of the English-language summer school is on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Teacher Education.